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Entry Speaker Shona English 
1  I Ee yebo.  Helloǃ 
2  II Ee unofara?  How are you? 
3  I Ndinofara mani  I am well. 
4  II Ndini Joshua aripano.  This is Joshua here. 
5  I Ee ndiken kuno uku.  And this is Ken this way. 
6  II Oo nhai?  So that right? 
7  I Kanjani upenyu?  How is life? 
8  II Aa...ini ndinofaro chaizuo  I am doing really well. 
9  I Unofara?  Are you really well? 
10  II Yaa  Yesǃ 
11  I Ko waa nemakore mangani iye zvino?  How old are you now? 
12  II Inini?  you mean me? 
13  I Eeeǃ  Yesǃ 
14  II Ndine makore makumi maviri nemashano.  I am 25 years old. 
15  I Makumi maviri?  More than twenty years? 
16  II Yaa  Yes. 
17  I Wakauya kuno rini?  When did you come here? 
18  II Aa...ndakauya kuno makore akapfura panoapa mana.  I came four years ago. 
19  I Oh yaǃ  Is that right? 
20  II Ko iwe ke?  How about you? 
21  I Ini?  Me? 
22  II Eeǃ  Ehǃ 
23  I Ndapedza mwedzi ndiri uno.  I have been here for a month. 
24  II Wapedza mwedzi?  Is that right? 
25  I Yaa.  Yes. 
26  II Ko kumba vanofara?  Are they happy at home? 
27  I Kumba,... Vanofara chaizvo.  At home. They are very well indeed. 
28  II Ahaǃ  That is good. 
29  I Yaa vakatonditumira nemamwe masoko.  Yes, I have a message from them. 
30  II Oo....vakati kudii?  Ohǃ What did they say? 
31  I Vakati woofarisa Joshua.  They send their greetings to Joshua. 
32  II Aa...wazvita ako.  Ahǃ Thank you. 
33  I Ee.  Ehǃ 
34  II Yaa.  Yahǃ 
35  I Yaa...ndakaona nemunin'gina wako.  Yahǃ I saw your brother. 
36  II Wakamuona?  Did you see him? 
37  I Ee nehanzvadzi yako.  Yea, and your sister too. 
38  II Aa usadero mani?  Ah, do not say that. 
39  I Ee wazokura wena.  She is grown up. 
40  II Aa...  Ahǃ 
41  I Ndichatoona kwekuroora wena.  I will find who to marry. 
42  II Wakareba zvakadii?  How tall is she? 
43  I Haa?  Hah. 
44  II Wakareba zvakadii?  How tall is she? 
45  I Akakupfura wena.  She is taller than you. 
46  II Wakandipfura?  She is taller than me? 
47  I Ee.  Yes. 
48  II Ndakamusiya achiri mufana sitereki.  I left when she was very young. 
49  I Oo ya?  Oh, yah? 
50  II E he.  Yes. 
51  I Aa hanzvadzi yako yakaraka wena.  Ahǃ Your sister is good looking. 
52  II Woda kuroora manje?  Do you want to marry now? 
53  I Ndiri kuda kuroora wena.  Yes, I would like to marry. 
54  II Kana une pfuma haanetsi ka.  If you have Lobola, she is easy to get. 
55  I Pfuma?  Lobola? 
56  II Ehe.  Yes. 
57  I Tine n'gombo wena kumusha.  We have cattle at home. 
58  II Usadero?  Do not say that. 
59  I Nembudzi nehwai.  Plus goats and sheep. 
60  II Ngombe dzenyu dzinopa mukaka?  Do your cows give milk? 
61  I Aa...mukaka ndiwo weungabvunza here iwe?  Ah, you can not ask about milk. 
62  II Chokwadiǃ  Is that right? 
63  I Ehe.  Yes, 
64  II Nokuti,...aa...uziwaka mukwasha muonde; toda kugara techiuya kwenyu techitsvaka nyama nemukaka.  Ah, because you know that a brother-in-law is like a fig tree; we want to visit you to get meat and some milk. 
65  I Zvese izvo.  All that. 
66  II Zvese nhai?  All 
67  I Ee nekuvhima tinonovhima.  Ah, we hurt, too. 
68  II Ooǃ  Oh! 
69  I Ee...tichiuraya mhuka.  Oh! We kill animals. 
70  II Saka iwe uri kufundei manje kuno?  What are you learning here? 
71  I Uno ndiri kufunda.... Ee ndiri kuita "medicine."  Here, I am learning...ah, I am taking medicine. 
72  II O oo!  Oh! 
73  I Yaa.  Yes. 
74  II Moda kuita chiremba nhai?  You want to be a doctor? 
75  I Ndichaita chiremba.  Yes! I will be a doctor. 
76  II Nhaika?  Is that right? 
77  I Yaa tozopota techimurapawo.  Yes! I will treat you, too. 
78  II Aaa...ndimi muri kuda kuita basa.  Ah! You will do a good job. 
79  I Ya a...ndinofunga zvichabudirira.  Yah! I think everything will be all right. 
80  II Oo nhai?  Oh! 
81  I Yaa...basa racho zviri kunaka chaizvo.  Yah! The job is okay. 
82  II Zviri kunakaka?  Is everything all right? 
83  I Zviri kunaka wena.  Everything is right indeed. 
84  II Manje zvifundo zvenyu zvinorema?  Are your studies hard? 
85  I Zvinyi?  What? 
86  II Zvifundo zvenyu.  Your studies. 
87  I Zvifundoe?  What kind of studies? 
88  II Ee.  Ah! 
89  I Iyiǃ zvakawanda wena.  There are lots of them. 
90  II Zvakawanda?  Are they really many? 
91  I Zvakawandisa, zvekuti zvimwe zvizhinji zvacho zvitsva chaizvo.  They are many and some are new. 
92  II Zvitsvaka?  They are really new, huh? 
93  I Zvitsva wena.  They are really new. 
94  II Bati zvino nakidza hazvo.  But, are they really interesting? 
95  I Zvinonakidza.  They are really interesting. 
96  II Ndicho chikuru kana zvechinakidza.  That is the big thing, if they are interesting. 
97  I Zviripo ndezvekuti panzvipo yacho yandiri kudziidza yakakura wena.  I am doing my studies at a big place. 
98  II Yakakuraka?  Is it very big? 
99  I Unobva warasika zvekuti unobva washayiwa kuti uri kufamba papi.  You can get lost and can not figure where you are. 
100  II Ndinonzwa kuti vanhu vazhinji vanopada sitereki pachikoro chachocho.  I hear that many people like the school. 
101  I Chakanaka wena.  It is a beautiful school. 
102  II Oo nhai?  Oh! 
103  I I University yakakura sitereki.  It is a big university. 
104  II Yakakura sitereki?  Is it really big? 
105  I Pakakura.  It is big. 
106  II Saka uri kufara sitereki?  So, you are very happy? 
107  I Ndiri kufara wena. Ko uri kudziidza chii zviya?  I am very happy. What are you studying? 
108  II Inini ndiri kudziidza Chingezi chemene.  I am taking English proper. 
109  I Chingezi?  English? 
110  II Chingezi.  Yes, English. 
111  I Ee ndimwe maBhunukaǃ  Eh! You are the white man. 
112  II Aa...tabva taita maBhunu emene.  Ah! We are trying to be white people for sure. 
113  I Ko uri kuda kuzochidziidzisa ani?  Who do you want to teach? 
114  II Ndinoda kuzodziidzisa vana vari kumba uko, vanochifarira sitereki.  I would like to teach the children back home. They love it very much. 
115  I Vanochifarira?  They like it? 
116  II Unozvizivaka zvinhu zvemazuva anoka, munyika mese Chingezi; Saka tinoda kuti vazotaurawo zvakanaka nevamwe vanhu.  You know about the present days, in the world, English has dominated; therefore, we want them to speak well with other people. 
117  I Ee...chete musaita kuti vakanganwe mutauro waamaika.  Eh, just don't let them forget their mother tongue. 
118  II Aa...nikisi, wa Amaika ndiwo wavanofunda vachikura.  Ah, no, they are taught the mother tongue when they are growing. 
119  I Muchauziwa here?  Do you still know it? 
120  II Aa...tiri...ku uziva chaizvo; zvino tinombota tichikanganwa zvimwe, bati....chaizvochaizvo zvamai atikanganwi.  Ah! I still know it a lot; once in a while, I forget somethings, but the real language of my mother, I never forget. 
121  I Aaa.... Amukanganwe?  Ah! You don't forget? 
122  II Yaa...  Yah. 
123  I Aaa tozoona modzoka kuti munonga muchakwanisa ere kutaura.  We will see, when you go back, if you will still be able to speak. 
124  II Aa tichazozvionawo tadzokako nyangwesuso.  Ah, we will when we go back. 
125  I Nokuti vazhinji vakauya kuno uku, taka...vazhinji vendakasangana navo.  Because many who came here, we have...most that I met... 
126  II Ehe e...  Eh! 
127  I Vaiti kana vaakutaura unobva wasahiwa kuti munhu akaberekwa mu Chindau ere kana kuti Shona.  When they spoke, you would debate whether they are from the Ndau or the Shona. 
128  II Ya a; zvinonetsaka ngendava yekuti kuno uku ukauya ukapedza makore mana kana mashano usingatauri chako unopedzisira wakanganwa zvimwe.  Yah! It's difficult because, if you come here and spend four or five years without speaking your own language, you end up forgetting some words. 
129  I Andingambokushooriba.  I wouldn't blame you. 
130  II Yaa ndizvozvo izvo.  Yah, that is it. 
131  I Ndizvo zvakaita upenyu.  Tha is how life is. 
132  II Eheǃ zvino kuno kuchikoro kwenyu munotamb mitambo here kana kuti munongodziidɑa mabhuku Chete?  Eh! At school, what kind of games do you play or you just read the books only? 
133  I Mitambo wena; tinotamba mutambo umwe unogwi Tennis.  Games; we play one game called tennis. 
134  II Tennis?  Tennis? 
135  I Tennis, unoizivaka?  Tennis, do you know it? 
136  II Aa ndakambozwa...bati ini handisati ndambotamba esi.  Ah! I have heard about it..., but I haven't played the game myself. 
137  I Ausati?  You haven't? 
138  II Ehe.  Eh. 
139  I Aa...iweǃ 
140  II Ehe?  Eh. 
141  I Aitsananguriki ngekuti magama acho ngeeChirungu Chete.  I cannot describe it to you because the terms are in English. 
142  II Ngee Chingezikaǃ  They are in English? 
143  I Chete munongopota muchi...zvakasiyana neyonini iyana,...nhabvu.  Somethimes you end up.... It is different from soccer. 
144  II Oo zvakasiyana nhai?  They are different, hah? 
145  I Zvakasiyana wena.  They are different. 
146  II Nokuti dee wati nhabvuso ndakuzwisisa zvakanaka.  As far as soccer is concerned, I know it well. 
147  I Nekuti nzvimbo yacho yemunotambira yakatsonga so.  Where you play is a small place 
148  II Yakatsonga nhai?  Is it really small? 
149  I Yakatsonga...  It is small. 
150  II Ehe.  Eh. 
151  I Saka zvemunopota muchiita;...pane chitambo Chakaita yoniniso... Chakakarukwa chakaiswa pakati.  Here is what you sometimes do. There is a net in the middle. 
152  II Eheǃ  Eh. 
153  I Ee moromobata zvakaita mumiti...zvakaita zvibako zvekubikisa sadza zviyanaso.  You hold something like trees...they are like sticks which are used for cooking thick porridge. 
154  II Ai zveǃ  Is that it? 
155  I Asi zvakasonerwa zvitambo so.  They have nets. 
156  II Munenge muchirovana here?  Will you be beating one another? 
157  I Saka, no....unonga wakamira kumweso.  No, you will be standing on the other end. 
158  II Eheǃ  Eh. 
159  I Ee Saka umwe unonga akamira kurimwe diviso.  Eh the other person stands on the opposite side. 
160  II Ahaǃ  Ah. 
161  I Saka wopota achirova kachibhora kacho so.  Then you hit the little ball. 
162  II Ehe.  Eh. 
163  I Kabhora kacho kotomuka koenda kumwe so.  Then the ball goes over the net to the other side. 
164  II Aiǃ  Aiǃ 
165  I Worovawo ngesimba kechidzokeraso.  The other guy hits it back hard. 
166  II Ehe.  Eh. 
167  I Yaaǃ  Ya-aǃ 
168  II Zvinotonakidza here?  Is that fun? 
169  I Zvinonakidza kana ukange usikawe zviyana....  It is fun when you don't fall down… 
170  II Ooǃ  Ohǃ 
171  I Nokuti vamwe vanowa wena.  Because some fall down. 
172  II Aa....kana tasangana muchaita muchitidziidzisawo.  Ah, when we meet, you will teach me. 
173  I Aa...tichamudziidzisa. Ko wako mutamvo ngewenyi zviyana iwe?  Ah, I will teach you. What kind of games do you play? 
174  II Ini wangu ngewenhabvu chaiwo chaiwo.  Meǃ I play soccer. 
175  I Nhabvu?  Soccer? 
176  II Ndiri kumba zviyana ndaito zikanwaso.  When I was at home, I was well known. 
177  I Aa uchiri kutamba iye zvino izvi?  Ah, do you still play now? 
178  II Ndinotamba chaizvo zvekuti aa....ndini ndino mwisaso.  I play a lot and I make goals too. 
179  I Oo ya?  Oh yah? 
180  II Yaa.  Yah. 
181  I Wamwisa zvingana gore rino?  How many did you score this year? 
182  II Gore rino ndakatambira imwe team yanga iri kumba kuya uko....  This year I played for a team back home. 
183  I Ahaǃ  A-a hah. 
184  II Saka ndakamwisa zvishanu.  I scored five goals. 
185  I Zvishanu.  Five? 
186  II Yaa....rimwe zuva rendakatambaso ndakaita sendange ndine shavi.  Yah.. One day I played so well; it seemed as if I had demons. 
187  I Oo yaǃ  Ohǃ Yah? 
188  II Yaa ndakamwisa zvigumi chaizvo.  Yahǃ I made ten goals. 
189  I Gumi?  Ten? 
190  II Yaa gumi chaizvo.  Yah ten exactly. 
191  I Aa iyi auitiki wena.  Aah, you are tough. 
192  II Aa zuva racho ndakanetsa wena.  That day I was tough. 
193  I Inga waakuziva wani.  Sounds like you really know. 
194  II Aa...ndaimbozivaso, kungogweguraso.  Ah, I used to know.... I am getting old now. 
195  I Kana wadzoka kumba tichakutambisa mutimu huru yoninika....  When you go back home, we will let you play in the big team called.... 
196  II Yepanhisani ka....  Like [I mean].... 
197  I Yemu zimbabwe.  In Zimbabwe. 
198  II Ya....zimbabwe chaipoka.  Yah, in Zimbabwe exactly. 
199  I Ehe.  Eh. 
200  II Tinonga tichitambira muRufaroka.  We will be playing in Rufaro Stadium. 
201  I Murufaro?  In Rufaro? 
202  II Yaa.  Yah. 
203  I KanamuGwanzura muyana umo.  Or in Gwanzura. 
204  II MuGwanzura mukuru mukuru machoso.  Gwanzura is the big one. 
205  I Ehe.  Eh. 
206  II Ya.  Yah. 
207  I Saka chimwe chitsva chiri kuitika kuno chiyi.  What else is happening here that is new? 
208  II Kuno uku?  You mean here? 
209  I Ehe.  Eh. 
210  II Aa tiri kuona vasikana mani. Vasikana vakawanda wena.  Ah, we are seeing many girls. Girls are plenty. 
211  I Vasikana.  Girls? 
212  II Yaa.  Yah. 
213  I Kanjani,...muri kurova mutovo nge....  You going out? 
214  II Kungoreka ako Rutaura bati variyo.  I do not want to talk about it but they are plenty. 
215  I Aa ya.  Ah, yah. 
216  II Yaa, ndakambonetsaria nemumwe mhani.  Yah, I had a difficult time with one. 
217  I Ee.  Eh. 
218  II Aa ndika dzikana ndikaregera angu,...uchazvi...onawo iwe wauya maguva anoso.  Ah, I ended by giving up and divided to wait for the right time. 
219  I Ee?  Ah. 
220  II Especially, mazuva eunouya kuno uku.  Especially, the days you arrive here. 
221  I Ee.  Eh. 
222  II Vachakuchipira Chipira so.  They are really easy. 
223  I Oo ya.  Oh ya. 
224  II Bati ucha zvionerawo wemeneso.  But you will see it yourself. 
225  I Iyi inga zvichanakawo wani.  This, I think things will be all right. 
226  II Aa vakawanda chose so.  Ah, they are plenty. 
227  I Aha.  Ah. 
228  II Nditsara...ude.  You choose accordingly. 
229  I Ko munosangana navo nzvimbo dzipi?  Where do you meet them? 
230  II Aa zvikuru mavanodyira chikafu.  Ah, mostly where they eat. 
231  I Ohoǃ  Oh. 
232  II Aa plasi kana muchienda kumutambo mutamboso munosangana chose.  Ah plus when you go to the games, you meet them. 
233  I Oho.  Oh. 
234  II Nyangwe mamunopindiraina futi mumaClass acho....  You calso meet in classes. 
235  I Uhu...  Oh.... 
236  II Arimo so....kana uchiziva chikoroso....  They are there....if you are intelligent.... 
237  I Ee.  Eh. 
238  II Vachauya, uchatovaona achiuya vega.  They will come, and you will see them coming by themselves. 
239  I Iyi zvichanakidza wena.  That sounds interesting. 
240  II Ee zvichanakidza chaizvo.  Eh, that will be really interesting. 
241  I Ko avana zvekutsarura kuti ndinoda kutaura nanhingi kana kuti...?  Are they picky? 
242  II Aa nikisi; kana uchizivaso avana basa nazvoso.  No, if they know you, they don't care. 
243  I Ee zvichanakidza.  Eh that is interesting. 
244  II Uye plasi kana kuti kuhope kwako kwakati hwee a...vanouya.  Plus when you are good looking, they come to you. 
245  I Oo yaǃ  Oh yahǃ 
246  II Yaa vanongouya voga...umu.  They come by themselves [own accord]. 
247  I Oho ndainga ndisingazvizivi wena.  Oh. I didn't know. 
248  II Ehe. Ko omanje uchavhakacha-vhakacha here uchiona nhisani, nyika ino; nokuti ndicho chikuru so. Unofanira kumbofambaso.  Ehe. Are you going to go around sightseeing? You must travel around. 
249  I Ee uri kugara pari zviyana iwe?  Eh where do you live by the way? 
250  II Ini kuno uku ndiri kuno ku nhingisani...ku Azusa esi.  Here, I live in Azusa. 
251  I Uri ku Azusa?  You are in Azusa? 
252  II Yaa.  Yah. 
253  I Yaa ini ndiri kugara muHollywood munoso.  Yah, I live in Hollywood. 
254  II Yaa muHollywood nhaiǃ  Yah, in Hollywood? 
255  I Yaa.  Yah. 
256  II Saka unofanira kuti uhambeso uone Los Angeles yese. Kana ukawana mari wotobuda futi woenda kwavana Oregon, kana vana Washington.  Therefore you must travel and see Los Angeles. If you get some money, visit places like Oregon and Washington. 
257  I Unoziva ini ndangojaira zvekugara nemhuriso ngekuti ndiri kugara nemhuriso.  I am used to living with a family. 
258  II Ooǃ  Ohǃ 
259  I Saka upenyu hwacho hungori hwepamba chete.  Therefore my life is confined to the home life only. 
260  II Ahaǃ  Ah. 
261  I Yaa.  Yah. 
262  II Manybe chimwe chinhu mamwe mazuva.  Maybe, some other thigns some day. 
263  I Ehe?  Eh? 
264  II Muchahambaso. Ivo kana votora rwendo muchahamba navo.  You will travel with the family. 
265  I Iwe ndikutaurireka.  You let me tell you. 
266  II Eeǃ  Eh. 
267  I Kana tafamba zviyanaka tinongodaidzwa kuenda koodya chete.  If we travel, we just go out to eat only. 
268  II Oo nhai?  Oh is that right? 
269  I Ee kazhinji kachoso.  Yes, most of the time. 
270  II Saka ndimi munopota muchiona vamweso.  Therefore, you see other people. 
271  I Tinovaona zvedu chete unongoziva kuti zero redu rinoka....  Yes we see them, but you know our age groups, I do not.... 
272  II Eheǃ  Ehe... 
273  I Tinoda kupota tichinakirwawoka.  We want some fun once in a while. 
274  II Yaa ndizvozvoka.  Yes that is true. 
275  I Nokuti kana ukangogara panzvimbo imwe.  Because if you stay in one place, 
276  II Eheǃ  Ehe. 
277  I Uchingoona zviro zveunoona mazuva ose.  You see the same things you see everyday. 
278  II Eheǃ  Eh. 
279  I Aa hapana kufara wena.  Ah, there is no happiness. 
280  II Aha. Saka muzuva eunenge usingaendi kuchikoro unoita chiyi, unongogara hako pamba kana kuti pane zvimwe zveunoita?  Ah. What do you do during the days that you don't go to school? Do you just sit at home or do you something? 
281  I Eye ndinguti pa Chishanu neMugovera....  Eh, I would say Friday and Saturday.... 
282  II Yaa. Aha.  Yah, aha. 
283  I Aa mamwe mazuva tinoenda kuovedza hoveso.  Ah, some days we go fishing. 
284  II Ooǃ  Oh. 
285  I Yaa.  Yah. 
286  II Ai unonga watove kumbaka.... Unotodzibata.  Ah, seems lie you are back home.... Do you catch any? 
287  I Iyi ndinodzibata wena.  Yes, we catch some. 
288  II Oo nhai?  Ohǃ is that right? 
289  I Kune dzimwe dzakareba, dzakakuraso.  Some are long and big. 
290  II Dzakatokura nhai?  Are they really big? 
291  I Ee.  Eh. 
292  II Zvino munotodyaso.  Do you eat some? 
293  I Yaa tinodzidya wena.  Yes we eat them. 
294  II Aa....munotonakirwa.  Ah, you enjoy yourselves. 
295  I Dzinenge dzichiri nyoro chaizvo.  They will be very fresh. 
296  II Oo nhai?  Oh, is that it? 
297  I Ee, haiwa zvedziyana dzemabakayawe dziyanoso.  Eh, not the bad ones we used to eat. 
298  II Aa mabakayawe pange pasina hove paya.  Those we really bad. 
299  I Ee uchazviziva here tiri kumba zviyana kuti kana tikange tiri kuchikoro....  Do you still remember when we were back home at the boarding school....? 
300  II E yeǃ  Ehǃ 
301  I Bakayawe range richinetsa payoniniso....  Those fish were outstanding. 
302  II Aa raitonetsa sitereki.  Yes, they were outstanding indeed. 
303  I Pasecondary.  At the Secondary school. 
304  II Aa sitereki.  Ah a lot. 
305  I Range rechinetsaka.  It was good indeed. 
306  II Yaa change chiri chikafuso.  Yah it was good food. 
307  I Yaa.  Yah. 
308  II Ee aitonakaso.  Eh it was tasty. 
309  I Yaa ndichazvicherechedza.  Yah I remember. 
310  II Ee vaiti chine chikafu sitereki.  They said it had good food. 
311  I Ruvedza kunonakidza wena.  Fishing is fun. 
312  II Kuno nakidza nhai?  Is it really fun? 
313  I Kunonakidza wena.  Yes it's really fun. 
314  II Zvino isu vamwe kana tisingaendi kuchikoro tinofa mhani nebasa rechikoro, tinenge tichinyora magwaro nemagwaroso.  Some of us, if we don't go to classes, we work on our assignments, writing as needed. 
315  I Ehe!  Ehe. 
316  II Nokuti vafundisi vacho canoda kuti mugare makanyoraso.  Because the teachers require that we write all the time. 
317  I Ko chimwe chinhu chamuri kuita chiyi zviya?  What else do you do? 
318  II Ee!  Eh. 
319  I Kana mukange musingaiti zvemuchikoro izvi?  How about if you are not doing your assignments? 
320  II Aa ndinowanzovhakachira vamweso, vanobva kumusha.  Ah, I sometimes visit people from home. 
321  I Ko unoziva vamwe here vanogara kuno uku?  Do you know some who live here? 
322  II Yaa ndinogara nevairi anobva kumusha ikwoyo futi.  Yes, I live with two groups from home. 
323  I Anobva kumusha?  They come from home? 
324  II Yaa.  Yah. 
325  I Unoziva mazita avo?  Do you know their names? 
326  II Yaa.  Yah. 
327  I Ndivani?  What are they? 
328  II Umwe wach ndiClement, umwe wacho ndi Thembaletu.  One of them is Clement and the other is Tembalethu. 
329  I Oho, unotogara navo pamba nhai?  Do you guys stay together? 
330  II Yaa, tinotogara tese tichitobika hedu sadzaso nemuriwo; aa tinonakirwa mhani.  Yah, we live together and we cook thick porridge and greens, ah, we enjoy a lot. 
331  I Inga teyi makagarika wani.  It sounds like you are well settled. 
332  II Aa kana ukawana nguvaso....  Ah, if you get a chance,.... 
333  I Ee?  Eh. 
334  II Umbouyawoso umbotivhakachira.  Come and visit us. 
335  I Ngekuti....  Because… 
336  II Uchaona futi sadza richitonuhwiraso pamusuo.  You will find the food smelling good as enter our house. 
337  I Ee!  Eh. 
338  II Yaa.  Yah. 
339  I Kana ukanditi bika sadza mazuva anoka.  If you tell me to cook thick porridge these days.... 
340  II Ee?  Eh. 
341  I Ndinobika mbodza.  I won't cook it well. 
342  II Mbodza chaiyo?  You mean bad food? 
343  I Mbodza wena.  Bad food exactly. 
344  II Ndizvo zvandaimboitaka mazuva endakauya kuno.  That is exactly what I used to do when I first got here. 
345  I Ee!  Eh. 
346  II Ee ndainetseka mani.  I had problems man. 
347  I Unozviziva kuti chikafu chakasiyana sitereki.  You know that foods are different. 
348  II Nyangwe huku dzacho kuno uku dzakati siyane futi.  Even the chickens here are different. 
349  I Iwe huku dzekunoka.  You, chickens of this place. 
350  II Ee?  Eh. 
351  I Vanoti ihuku, asi ndinofunga kuti vanobata zaitiyoso.  They say it's chicken, but I think they kill the baby chickens. 
352  II Ee ndizvozvoso svakati tsongei futi.  Eh, they are really small. 
353  I Dzakati tsongeyiso.  They are small. 
354  II Yaa. Plasi unozivaka zvekuno uku zvinonga zvati garei mumvura dzavo dziya dzetutonhod__.  Yah. Plus you know things here, the chickens will have been frozen for some time. 
355  I Yaa.  Yah. 
356  II Zvino kana zvobudamoso zvinenge zvabva zvimwe, nhisani, zvokunaka kwacho.  Then, when they take them out, they will have lost the taste. 
357  I Yaa.  Yah. 
358  II Zvinenge zvisikachanyanyi kusanaka esi.  They won't be really tasty. 
359  I Yaa, ndizvozvo chaizvo.  Yah, that is very true. 
360  II Bati zviya zvekumba zviyaso, vanati huku, voti dzinganisai, yobatwa ipapo.... aimbo.... aa.... Yotodyiwa mhani, kuzipa. Ee.  But, those at home, they are called hens, they tell you to chase them, then you catch right doesn't.... It's cooked and eaten right there. It's delicious. Ee.... 
361  I Aa.... ya.... yaya.  Ah.... Yah.... Ya, yah. 
362  II Yaa.  Yah. 
363  I Yaa, yokubatirwa kana warhakacha zviya.  Yah, one served for you when you visit. 
364  II Yaa....  Yah.... 
365  I Ee....  Eh.... 
366  II Zvino....  Then.... 
367  I Kana waenda kwaranambuya, kana kuti kwavanasekuru....  If you visit Grandma and Grandpa.... 
368  II Aa ngeyako wegaso.  Yas, the whole chicken is solely for you. 
369  I Ee.  Eh. 
370  II Yaa.... Zvino kuno uku wouya kuno rini kuzotiona?  Yah.... So when are you coming to see us? 
371  I Oo, kwenyu uko?  Oh, at your place? 
372  II Yaa.  Yah. 
373  I Aa ndiri kuda kuuya.... ndinofunga ndichauyako;.... Muri pamba mazuva api zviya?  Ah, I really want to come.... I think that I will visit you;.... When are you home? 
374  II Aa zvikuruso paSvondo neMugovera tinenge tiri pamba.  Ah.... Monstly on Sunday and Saturday we will be home. 
375  I PaSondo?  On Sunday? 
376  II Yaa.  Yes. 
377  I Saka unofunga ndingakwanisa kuuyako mazuva api.  So when do you think is the best day for me to come there? 
378  II Mugoveraso.  Saturday. 
379  I NeMugovera?  On Saturday. 
380  II Ndiwo unenge uri right. Tingaswera toseso.  That's the best day. Then we can spend the day together. 
381  I Ko muri kuda,.... ndizo.... Tizoita chiyi kana ndauyako.  What do you want,.... Us to do when I come out? 
382  II Kuda unozondidziidzisaka nhisani mutambo wako uya wawombotaura.  Maybe you can teach me your sport.... Tennis.... Which you talked about. 
383  I Mutambo uya?  That sport? 
384  II Yaa.  Yah. 
385  I Iyi....  Is that it? 
386  II We Tennis so.  Tennis. 
387  I Unozvizivaka mazuva ekutanga zvinonetsa wena.  You should know that it's difficult on the first days. 
388  II Aa tichango onana nazvoso.  Well, we shall see. 
389  I Ee vamwe vanopota vechinetsekaso nekuti vaoswera vachirwadziwa makuboso.  Yes, some find it difficult because they get sore feet and legs the rest of the day. 
390  II Aa ini unondizivaso, ndinogara ndakarumba kunhandare yebhora saka andifungi kuti zvichanetsa zvemakumbo izvi.  Ah, you know me, I always play soccer, therefore, I don't think I will encounter sore feet. 
391  I Chete zvakasiyana nekubanha nemukumbo wena.  Anyway it's not like kicking the ball with your feet.... It's different. 
392  II Oo zvakasiyana nhai?  Ohǃ Is it different? 
393  I Zvakasiyana wena.  It's very different. 
394  II Ooo!  Ohǃ 
395  I Zvakasiyana nokuti unonya uchishandisa maoko.  It's different because you use your hands. 
396  II Ehe.  Yah. 
397  I Akuchina zvemusoro zvenyu zviya.  There is no heading the ball as you do in soccer. 
398  II Aruchina musoro nhai?  There is not heading? 
399  I Aa.... akuna misoroba  Ah.... No heading. 
400  II Ai ibhora rudzii?  What type of ball game is that? 
401  I Saka wongopota uchizvimonyaso.  Thus, you twist your body to return the shot using your racket. 
402  II Oo nhai?  Ohǃ Is that it? 
403  I Worovaso.  Then you hit it. 
404  II Aizve.  Ahǃ 
405  I Yaa.  Yes. 
406  II Saka une mova?  Do you have a car? 
407  I Ininika?  Me? 
408  II Yaa.  Yes. 
409  I Ndine Benzi yanguso.  I have my own Benz. 
410  II Une Benzi nhai?  You own a Benz? 
411  I Yaa.  Yah. 
412  II Aa wakaoma wena.  You are great. 
413  I Aa....  Aa.... 
414  II Aa wakabudirira.  Yah.... You are well-off. 
415  I Ndakazoiona ndanetseka.  I got it after hard work. 
416  II Zvino isu vamwe zvichovha zvacho ngezvekunongera mani.  For me.... The care I have is not that good. 
417  I Aa!  Ah! 
418  II Aaa Benzi!  Ah.... Benz! 
419  I Muchatenga chete.  You will certainly buy one in the near future. 
420  II Aa.... unonetsa. Ini ndiri kuda kutotenga nhisani....  Ah, you are unsurpased. I also am at buying.... 
421  I Chii?  What? 
422  II Benziwoso mazuva ari kutevera anoava.  A Benz. 
423  I Oo!  Oh! 
424  II Andidi zvekukurirwa kurirwa nevamwe vafana esi.  I like to keep pace with the market. 
425  I Ko motika yeunayo inozwi chiyi mazuva ano?  What's the make of your car at present? 
426  II Iko zvino....?  You mean now? 
427  I Ee.  Yes. 
428  II I Celica Toyota.  It's Celica Toyota. 
429  I Oo yaa!  Oh is that it? 
430  II Yaa yegore rino iri.  Yes, for this year. 
431  I Inga wakaoma wani.  You are really at the top. 
432  II Aa.... Yaa yakaoma mbichanaso; Zvinhu zvenhamoso ungadii.  Ah.... Right.... It's a great car, but not that much.... I got it as a necessity.... What else could I do? 
433  I Benzi, ungoziva kuti kuitenga unoba watsum_ kutenga upenyu hwako hwese.  Benzi; as you know, to buy it is almost like sacrifising your life completely. 
434  II Aa.... chose.... Aa zvokwadi.  Ah.... Right.... Ah that's true. 
435  I Saku ini ndakaita laki (luck) nokuti ndinodziidzisa pachikoro pano.  I was really lucky because I also teach this university. 
436  II Ei!  Eh! 
437  I Yaa.  Yah. 
438  II Saka waa....  That means you are… 
439  I Saka ndinopota ndichingoti bvisei mare zvishomanana.  That means I keep on paying for my Benz a little bit at a time. 
440  II Ndikwo kuita kwachoso.  That's the way to do it. 
441  I Ehe.  Yes. 
442  II Nyangwe ini ndizvo zvendinotoitawo paCelica yacho nokuti yakati wei mbichana kamariso. Saka ndiri kutofa nekupeyaso; munhu unopinda chikoro nekuenda kubasaso.  Even me, I also pay a little bit at a time for my Celica, because it's a lot of money for person going to school and working at the same time. 
443  I Ko iwe Josh unowana rini iwe?  Hey Josh! When do you want to marry? 
444  II Inini?  Me? 
445  I Ee.  Yes. 
446  II Aa ndinofunga ndichazowana kana ndadzoke__ kumba esi.  Ah, I think I will marry after I get back home. 
447  I Ko amai varipi.  How about your girlfriend.... Where is she? 
448  II Aa amai vacho varikowo kumba ikwoyo.  Ah.... She is back home. 
449  I Ari kumba?  She is at home? 
450  II Ehe.  Yes. 
451  I Ari kumba audi kuti auye kuno nhai?  She is at home.... Do you like her to come over? 
452  II Aa muzaya....  Friend! 
453  I Ee?  What? 
454  II Mari mani....  Money.... 
455  I Mari?  Money? 
456  II Ee.  Yes. 
457  I Aa.... Mari inonetsa ere kana ukazvifunga iwe.  Ah.... Money is no problem if you work at it. 
458  II Aa mari inonetsa wena.  Ah.... Money is a problem. 
459  I Aa.  Ah. 
460  II Ko iwe ke, vadzimai vako vacho vari pari?  How about you? Where is your girlfriend? 
461  I Vadzimai vari kumba wena. Iye zvino vari kudziidzisa wena.  She is also back home. At present she is teaching. 
462  II Ko vari kudziidzisa nhai?  Is that it? 
463  I Vari kudziidzisa.  Right, she is teaching. 
464  II Ko vari kuuya?  Is she coming over? 
465  I Vange vachichemera kuda kuuya mani.  She was planning to come over. 
466  II Oo!  Oh! 
467  I Asi ndakavaudza kuti andifungi kuti zvichabudaso.  But I told her that it won't be likely. 
468  II Oho.  Oh! 
469  I Yaa.  Yaa. 
470  II Inda, imari?  Why, is it because of money? 
471  I Aa ndichaona hangu kana ndapedza yonini yangu so.... Ndikapedza Medicine yangu.  Ah, I will decide after completing my Medical Studies. 
472  II Ehe.  Eh! 
473  I Yaa.  Yah. 
474  II Kuda vangauya.  Maybe she will come. 
475  I Yaa, ndinoti kuda vanga uyaso.  Yah, maybe she will come. 
476  II Yaa unoziva vadzimaiso vanonetsa chose so, nokuti vari kumba futi anoda kuuya kuno uku.  Yah, she likes to come and join me. 
477  I Aa?  Is that it? 
478  II Zvino vangu murapi.  My girlfriend is a physician. 
479  I Oo!  Oh! 
480  II Yaa, vanoda kuuya kuno futi.  Yah, she likes come over. 
481  I Oho.  Yes. 
482  II Saka....  Thus.... 
483  I Saka ndichazokuonaso.  I will see you then. 
484  II Okay.  Okay. 
485  I Oo.... Zvakanaka.  Oh.... I will see then. 
486  II Yaa, wosara zvakanakaso.  Remain in peace. 
487  I Newewoso, wosara zvakanaka.  The same to you. 
488  II Yaa tozokuona wouya kuno uku.  Yah, we shall see on your visit. 
489  I Yaa ndiri kuuyako.  Yes, I will surely visit you. 
490  II Yaa tinenge takakumirira.  Yah we will looking forward to seeing you. 
491  I Monondigarira muchibikua.  Preprare a home dish. 
492  II Yaa, sara zvakanaka.  Yes, stay fine. 
493  I Okay, bye!  Okay, Bye! 
494  II Bye!  Bye!