UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive


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Consult the Word Lists in order to locate individual words of interest. You can search within your web-browser for specific sounds. (See word lists for more details.)

Left-click to access files online; right-click (Macintosh Control + click) to download. Not all information is available for all recordings, and so some cells might be blank.

Click "Details" for more information about a specific recording.

For more detailed instructions, click here.

  Word List Word List Entries Speaker(s) Audio Filename WAV MP3 Scanned Word List (JPG) JPG 2Scanned Word List (TIF) TIF 2Recording Details
1 slk_word-list_1990_01.html 1 - 80 n/a slk_word-list_1990_01 WAV MP3 JPG JPG 2 TIF TIF 2 Details