Recording |
1 |
Filename (WAV) | pag_conversation_1980_01.wav |
Filename (MP3) | pag_conversation_1980_01.mp3 |
Language | Pangasinan |
Dialect | dialect unspecified |
SIL Code | pag |
Recording Contents | Conversation |
Recording Location | Unknown |
Recording Date | 12 October, 1980 |
Fieldworkers | Unknown |
Speaker Origin | Speakers from Bautista, Pangasinan, Philipines |
Speaker Name | N/A |
WAV Digitization Quality | 44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) |
MP3 Bit Rate | 56 kbps |
Original Recording Medium | Reel Tape |
Unicode Word List | pag_conversation_1980_01.html |
Unicode Word List Entries | 1 - 28 |
TIFF Image | pag_conversation_1980_01.tif |
TIFF Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_02.tif |
JPG Image | pag_conversation_1980_01.jpg |
JPG Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_02.jpg |
TIFF Image Quality | 300 dpi |
JPG Image Quality | 300 dpi |
Rights of Access | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. |
Recording |
2 |
Filename (WAV) | pag_conversation_1980_02.wav |
Filename (MP3) | pag_conversation_1980_02.mp3 |
Language | Pangasinan |
Dialect | dialect unspecified |
SIL Code | pag |
Recording Contents | Conversation |
Recording Location | Unknown |
Recording Date | 13 October, 1980 |
Fieldworkers | Unknown |
Speaker Origin | Speakers from Bautista, Pangasinan, Philipines |
Speaker Name | N/A |
WAV Digitization Quality | 44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) |
MP3 Bit Rate | 56 kbps |
Original Recording Medium | Reel Tape |
Unicode Word List | pag_conversation_1980_01.html |
Unicode Word List Entries | 28 - 52 |
TIFF Image | pag_conversation_1980_03.tif |
TIFF Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_04.tif |
JPG Image | pag_conversation_1980_03.jpg |
JPG Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_04.jpg |
TIFF Image Quality | 300 dpi |
JPG Image Quality | 300 dpi |
Rights of Access | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. |
Recording |
3 |
Filename (WAV) | pag_conversation_1980_03.wav |
Filename (MP3) | pag_conversation_1980_03.mp3 |
Language | Pangasinan |
Dialect | dialect unspecified |
SIL Code | pag |
Recording Contents | Conversation |
Recording Location | Unknown |
Recording Date | 14 October, 1980 |
Fieldworkers | Unknown |
Speaker Origin | Speakers from Bautista, Pangasinan, Philipines |
Speaker Name | N/A |
WAV Digitization Quality | 44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) |
MP3 Bit Rate | 56 kbps |
Original Recording Medium | Reel Tape |
Unicode Word List | pag_conversation_1980_01.html |
Unicode Word List Entries | 52 - 99 |
TIFF Image | pag_conversation_1980_05.tif |
TIFF Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_06.tif |
JPG Image | pag_conversation_1980_05.jpg |
JPG Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_06.jpg |
TIFF Image Quality | 300 dpi |
JPG Image Quality | 300 dpi |
Rights of Access | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. |
Recording |
4 |
Filename (WAV) | pag_conversation_1980_04.wav |
Filename (MP3) | pag_conversation_1980_04.mp3 |
Language | Pangasinan |
Dialect | dialect unspecified |
SIL Code | pag |
Recording Contents | Conversation |
Recording Location | Unknown |
Recording Date | 15 October, 1980 |
Fieldworkers | Unknown |
Speaker Origin | Speakers from Bautista, Pangasinan, Philipines |
Speaker Name | N/A |
WAV Digitization Quality | 44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) |
MP3 Bit Rate | 56 kbps |
Original Recording Medium | Reel Tape |
Unicode Word List | pag_conversation_1980_01.html |
Unicode Word List Entries | 100 - 134 |
TIFF Image | pag_conversation_1980_07.tif |
TIFF Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_08.tif |
JPG Image | pag_conversation_1980_07.jpg |
JPG Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_08.jpg |
TIFF Image Quality | 300 dpi |
JPG Image Quality | 300 dpi |
Rights of Access | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. |
Recording |
5 |
Filename (WAV) | pag_conversation_1980_05.wav |
Filename (MP3) | pag_conversation_1980_05.mp3 |
Language | Pangasinan |
Dialect | dialect unspecified |
SIL Code | pag |
Recording Contents | Conversation |
Recording Location | Unknown |
Recording Date | 16 October, 1980 |
Fieldworkers | Unknown |
Speaker Origin | Speakers from Bautista, Pangasinan, Philipines |
Speaker Name | N/A |
WAV Digitization Quality | 44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) |
MP3 Bit Rate | 56 kbps |
Original Recording Medium | Reel Tape |
Unicode Word List | pag_conversation_1980_01.html |
Unicode Word List Entries | 134 - 156 |
TIFF Image | pag_conversation_1980_09.tif |
TIFF Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_10.tif |
JPG Image | pag_conversation_1980_09.jpg |
JPG Image 2 | pag_conversation_1980_10.jpg |
TIFF Image Quality | 300 dpi |
JPG Image Quality | 300 dpi |
Rights of Access | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. |