Use the form below to create Unicode IPA characters that you can enter into your browser's search field. (Pop-ups must be enabled.)

   Enter a standard character and Right-Click (Macintosh Ctrl + Click) for similar IPA characters.

   Double-click for an interactive IPA chart.

Copy the results of your search, and paste them (Ctrl + V) into your browser's search box (Edit > Find) to search for that symbol.
(You may need to click outside of the form before using Find to locate the sound.)

(The unicode entry tool was developed by the Linguist List. To obtain it for use in other web pages click here)

Entry Sound Illustrated  Orthography  English 
1  pa patha  good 
2  pa thapak  fog, dew 
3  pa kaparl  sleep from eye 
4  pa ngurranpap  I went away early 
5  pi pipi  father's sister 
6  pi thipinhi  night 
7  pi darripi  skin, bark 
8  pi kurdintipip  (place name) 
9  pe pepe  down, under 
10  pe dhepdhep  vegetable food 
11  pu pule  old man, husband 
12  pu ngupu  flat-backed turtle 
13  pu kupkup  soft 
14  ba bamam  white 
15  ba kabat  yellow ochre 
16  ba nabath  you (sg) take it 
17  bi binhi  the whole of something 
18  bi tharibirlnu  you (sg) will light the fire 
19  bi babirrnu  he will bury it 
20  be bepi  black soil country 
21  be pibet  they stood 
22  bu burrburr  cold 
23  bu kubatnukun  he might hit him 
24  ka kaka   mother's brother 
25  ka kakalak  baler shell 
26  ka kalakkalak  clouds 
27  ka wak  crow 
28  ki kikmun  beeswax 
29  ki thikampa you laugh 
30  ki kilikkilik  galah 
31  ke keke  middle-aged person 
32  ke thek  paperbark 
33  ku kukpi  carpet snake 
34  ku thunuku  throw it away! 
35  ku nukunu  he, him 
36  ku mukmuk  brains 
37  ga magulkul  heart 
38  ga kuragadha  boomerang 
39  ga magart  lagoon 
40  gi nigunu  she, her 
41  gi wirrigi  fish species (rock cod) 
42  gu yagurr  sand goanna 
43  gu kunugunu  old woman 
44  ta tay  white egret 
45  ta katan  fruit tree species 
46  ta thatthat  jungle fowl