Use the form below to create Unicode IPA characters that you can enter into your browser's search field. (Pop-ups must be enabled.)

   Enter a standard character and Right-Click (Macintosh Ctrl + Click) for similar IPA characters.

   Double-click for an interactive IPA chart.

Copy the results of your search, and paste them (Ctrl + V) into your browser's search box (Edit > Find) to search for that symbol.
(You may need to click outside of the form before using Find to locate the sound.)

(The unicode entry tool was developed by the Linguist List. To obtain it for use in other web pages click here)

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Entry Sound Illustrated Orthography English 
1  gu guugu  language 
2  gu guguur  rat, mouse 
3  gu bugul  antbed 
4  gu bigudhirr  jewfish 
5  ma magiil  branch 
6  ma dharramali  thunder 
7  ma guman  leg, root 
8  ma maandi  bring, take 
9  mi miil  eye 
10  mi milbil  to promise something 
11  mi gami  father's father 
12  mu mugu  back; seed 
13  mu gamulu (-ru)  river snake 
14  mu ngamu  mother 
15  na naga (-lu)  east 
16  na duna  wet 
17  na ganaa  all right 
18  na ngalan  sun; daytime 
19  ni biniirr  ironbark tree 
20  ni dani  slow 
21    (not on wordlist)  (no gloss) 
22  nu nubun  one 
23  nu nugal  ankle 
24  nu manu  neck, throat 
25  nu dunun  stonefish 
26  rna maanaarnaya  getting married 
27  rni yirni  squid 
28  rnu nuurnul  side, flank 
29  nha nhaa (wa)  there, that 
30  nha ganharr  crocodile 
31  nha minha  meat 
32  nha dhambanh  filesnake 
33  nhi nhiirruul  greensnake 
34  nhi nhinhinhi  groper 
35  nhi munhi  black 
36  nhi yawurrinh  tail 
37  nhu nhuumaar  always 
38  nhu nhuru  heel 
39  nhu dunhu  husband 
40  nhu dhawuunh  friend 
41  nya nyandaay-marraa  stop it! 
42  nya manyamarr  Cape Bowen 
43  nyi nyinda  shallow (water) 
44  nyi ngunyin  dillybag 
45  nyu nyulu  he/she 
46  nyu nyundu  you (sg.) 
47  nyu gunyu  tail part