Filename (WAV)gsw_word-list_1979_01.wav
Filename (MP3)gsw_word-list_1979_01.mp3
Recording ContentsWord List
Recording LocationUniversity Of California, Los Angeles
Recording Date5 June, 1979
FieldworkersUCLA student
SpeakersSpeaker is from Zurich, Switzerland; also speaks French and Standard German natively
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 K, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps)
MP3 Bit Rate56 kpbs
Original Recording Mediumreel tape
Unicode Word Listgsw_word-list_1979_01.html
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 66
Tiff Imagegsw_word-list_1979_01.tif
JPG Imagegsw_word-list_1979_01.jpg
TIFF Image Quality 300 dpi
JPG Quality300 dpi
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.