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(The unicode entry tool was developed by the Linguist List. To obtain it for use in other web pages click here)

Entry Orthography English 
1  Minkaat ala The chief is here 
2  Shiikaat ala The buzzard is here 
3  Fala-at ala The crow is here 
4  Akankaat ala The chicken is here 
5  Minkaat abika The chief is sick 
6  Koniat abika The skunk is sick 
7  Ofo̱laat abika The screech owl is sick 
8  Nashobaat abika The wolf is sick 
9  Akankaat abika The chicken is sick 
10  Naahollaat abika The white man is sick 
11  Ankoniat abika My skunk is sick 
12  Naalhtoka'at abika The policeman is sick 
13  Saalhkonaat abika The earthworm is sick 
14  Hachinkoniat abika Y'all's skunk is sick 
15  Chittibaapishiat abika Your brother is sick 
16  Hachittibaapishiat abika Y'all's brother is sick 
17  Nampaka̱laat losatok The flower was black 
18  Toksala'paat losatok The lizard was black 
19  Yaalhipaat losatok The hat was black 
20  Naahollaat ataklammi The white man bothers him 
21  Nashobaat ataklammi The wolf bothers him 
22  Nashobaat ataklammitok The wolf bothered him 
23  Nashobaat asataklammitok The wolf bothered me 
24  Minkaat asataklammitok The chief bothered me 
25  Naahollaat amittimanompolitok The white man read to me 
26  Nahollaat amittimanompoli The white man is reading to me 
27  Sattibaapishiat ataklammitok My brother bothered him 
28  Hachittibaapishiat ataklammitok Y'all's brother bothered him 
29  Sattibaapishiat asataklammitok My brother bothered me 
30  Hachittibaapishiat asataklammitok Y'all's brother bothered me 
31  Minko' pisa He looks at the chief 
32  Shiiki pisa He looks at the buzzard 
33  Ihoo pisa He looks at the woman 
34  Naahollo pisatok He looked at the white man 
35  Ihoo pisatok He looked at the woman 
36  Iti pisa He looks at his mouth 
37  Nampaka̱li' pisatok He looked at the flower 
38  Sattibaapishi pisatok He looked at my brother 
39  Hachittibaapishi pisatok He looked at y'all's brother 
40  Naahollo pilacha'chi He will send the white man 
41  Naahollo pilacha'chitok He was supposed to send the white man 
42  Naahollo hoopilacha'chitok They were supposed to send the white man 
43  Hachittibaapishi hoopilachi They send y'all's brother 
44  Sattibaapishi hoopilacha'chitok They were supposed to send my brother 
45  Hachittibaapishi hoopilacha'chitok They were supposed to send y'all's brother 
46  Ihoo hoopilacha'chitok They were supposed to send the woman 
47  Fala fanalhchi' pisa He looks at the crow's wing 
48  Ofo̱lo fanalhchi' pisa He looks at the screech owl's wing 
49  Amofo̱lo fanalhchi' pisa He looks at my screech owl's wing 
50  Sattibaapishi imofi' pisa He looks at my brother's dog 
51  Hachittibaapishi imofi' pisa He looks at y'all's brother's dog 
52  Hachittibaapishi iyyi' pisa He looks at y'all's brother's feet 
53  Hachittibaapishi iyyi' pisatok He looked at y'all's brother's feet 
54  Hachittibaapishi iyyi' hoopisatok They looked at y'all's brother's feet 
55  Hachittibaapishi iyyi' iipisa'chitok We were supposed to look at y'all's brother's feet 
56  Hachittibaapishi imofo̱lo pisa He looks at y'all's brother's screech owl 
57  Nashobaat malitaam? Was the wolf running? 
58  Nashobaat mallitaam? Was the wolf jumping? 
59  Nashobaat sapistaam? Did the wolf see me? 
60  Nashobaat achitaklammi? Is the wolf bothering you? 
61  Nashobat achitaklammitaam? Was the wolf bothering you? 
62  Sahashaata? Am I angry? 
63  Katahaat malili? Who is running? 
64  Katahaat malitaam? Who was running? 
65  imittimanompoli He reads to her 
66  imittimanompolitok He read to her 
67  hachimittimanompolitok He read to y'all 
68  ikchimittimanompo'lo He doesn't read to you 
69  ikchimittimanompo'lokitok He didn't read to you 
70  ikimittimanompo'lokitok He didn't read to him 
71  hachimittimanompola'chitok He was supposed to read to y'all 
72  ikchimittimanompo'loka'chitok He wasn't supposed to read to you 
73  Naahollaakot minko' pisa The white man looks at the chief 
74  Naahollaakot ofo̱lo pisatok The white man looked at the screech owl 
75  Naahollaakot a̱nampaka̱li' pisatok The white man looked at his flower 
76  Naahollaakot hachittibaapishi pisatok The white man looked at y'all's brother 
77  Naahollaakot sattibaapishi imofi' pisatok The white man looked at my brother's dog 
78  Naahollaakot sattibaapishi imakanka' pisatok The white man looked at my brother's chicken 
79  (Iksayimmo) Nashobaat maliliha̱ (I don't believe it!) The wolf is running! 
80  (Iksayimmo) Nashobaat mallika (I don't believe it!) The wolf is jumping! 
81  Nashobaat ikmali'lo The wolf isn't running 
82  Nashobaat malili ki'yo The wolf isn't running 
83    He was tired, but he looked at it 
84  Hattakat yaalhipa pisa The man looks at the hat 
85  Hattakat nashoba pisa The man looks at the wolf 
86  Hattakat ampaska pisa The man looks at my bread 
87  Hattakat hopayi' pisa The man looks at the fortune teller 
88  Hattakat hachi̱waaka' pisa The man looks at y'all's cow 
89  Hattakat waaka' pisa The man looks at a cow 
90  Naahollaat minkaako̱ pisatok The white man looked at the chief 
91  Naahollaat amofo̱laako̱ pisatok The white man looked at my screech owl 
92  Naahollaat sattibaapishiako̱ pisatok The white man looked at my brother 
93  Naahollaat hachittibaapishiako̱ pisatok The white man looked at y'all's brother 
94  Naahollaat sattibaapishi falaako̱ pisatok The white man looked at my brother's crow