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Entry Orthography Transcription English 
1  chích'il tʃɪ̀tʃɪ̀l  acorn 
2  ch'ini tʃɪ̀̃nĩ́ː  advertisement 
3  nchǫ' ǹ̩tʃõ̀?  bad 
4  nchaa ǹ̩tʃɑ̀ː  big, large 
5  nch'íí' ǹ̩tʃĩ́ː  bitter (taste) 
6  na'chagi nɑ̀ɬtʃɑ̀gì  grasshopper 
7  nalbiil nɑ̀lbíːl  car 
8  nadzeeɫ nɑ̀dzɛ̀ːɬ  someone dreaming 
9  na'iniihí nàinĩ̀hí  something that flies (airplane) 
10  in nayeehí ɪ̀nẽ̀ːnɑ̀jeí  bus 
11  nɫt'éégo ǹ̩ɬt̪é˅ːgò  clear 
12  nyee' ǹ̩jéː  difficult 
13  dleesh d̥lɛ̀ːʃ  clay (white) 
14  ɫet'eesh ɬít'ɛ́ːʃ  charcoal or ashes 
15  shidee' ʃɪ̀˄dèː  my older sister 
16  shiyí ʃìjĩ́  brother-in-law 
17  hishzhizh ʃìʒìːʒ  someone kneeling 
18  tudiɫhiɫi tɷ̀˅d̪ì˅ɬhɪ̀˄ɬí  coffee (black water) 
19  yídiɫig jídɪ́ɬɪ́kʰ  someone branding 
20  bijííɫá bídʒɑ́ɬɑ́?  his chest 
21  hishtɫish hɪ̀ʃtl̥ɪ̀ʃ  brown 
22  itsáɫigai ítsɑ́ːɬgài  bald eagle 
23  dzitɫ nde'yú dzɪ̀l̥ ɪ̀néːjó  bear 
24  diɫhiɫ dɪ̀ɬhɪ̀ɬ  black 
25  dlǫ́' d͡lṍ?  bird 
26  dikos dìkʰò̤ːs  cough 
27  Dziɫt'aadn dzɪ̀ɬtɑ́ːdǹ̩  people near the mountain (Cibecue Apache) 
28  bitsighąą bí˅tsɑ́g̃ɑ̃́ː  his brain 
29  bits'į́ bìtsĩ́?  his body 
30  bitághaa bítɑ́g̃ɑ̃́ː  his beard 
31  bį́ bĩ́?  beargrass 
32  biziz bɪ̀zɪ̀z  his belt 
33  bigan bìgʌ̀n  his arm 
34  yi'aaɫ jì?ɑ̃̀ːɬ  someone chewing 
35  goch'itaɫ gòdʒìtɑ̀ːɬ  ceremony 
36  ɫibaa ɬì˅bɑ̃́ː  grey, dull color 
37  iza'á ɪ́tsɑ́?ɑ́?  bridle 
38  ɫigai ɬɪ́kài  white 
39  ighaa ĩ̀gɑ̃̀ː  body hair 
40  táts'aa' t'átsɑ́ː  basket 
41  yodląą jód͡lɑ̃́ː  believe it 
42  hidląąnhí hɪ̀d̥lɑ̃́nĩ́  beverage (something to drink) 
43  tubąąyú tɷ́˅báɪjó  riverbank 
44  hayaazhi' hɑ̀jɑ̀ːʒĩ̀˅  afternoon 
45  t'ąązhį' t'ɑ̃́ːʒí  backwards 
46  e'iléhí ìːlɛ́˄?í  artist 
47  tl'ók'a' tl'ókɑ́ː  arrow shaft 
48  k'aa' kɑ̃̀ː  arrow or bullet 
49  jaadi dʒɑ́ːdí  antelope 
50  gad gàd̥?  cedar tree 
51  zhááli ʒɑ́ːlí  change (coins, money) 
52  yizisxįį jɪ́zɪ́shĩ́ː  he killed it 
53  bésh diwozhi bɛ́ʃ díwóʒí  barbed wire 
54  bé'istsǫ'z bɛ́s?d̥ṍz  beans 
55  totl'izh tɷ̀˅tl'ɪ̀ʒ  blue, green 
56  táwosh tágʷóʃ  bubble 
57  ich'ozh ìtʃ?òːʒ  the calf of his leg 
58  hilwozh hìɫwóːʒ  canyon 
59  ilzhish ɪ̀lʒɪ̀ʃ  someone dancing, dance, go dance 
60  íícho' ɪ̃́ːtʃṍ?  coat (large shirt) 
61  ik'ahkǫ'í ɪ̀˄k'ɑ̤̀hkõ̀?ĩ́  candle (oil for burning) 
62  t'abįhgo tá?bígó  in the morning (breakfasttime) 
63  tsénchó' tsɛ̀n̥tʃó?  big rock, boulder 
64  mé' mɛ̃́?  baby 
65  goshk'an gɷ̀˅ʃgʌ̃̀ːn  banana 
66  dábik'eh dàbɪ̀˄kʰɛ̤̀˄ː  appropriate 
67  de'doljéég' dàdòɫdʒé˅ːg  campfire 
68  tazhik'áné tàʒì˅kɑ̃́nɛ̃́  chicken or turkey 
69  tsina'eeɫí tsĩ́nɑ́?ɛ̀ɬì  boat (wood floating on water) 
70  dasáhndi dɑ̀sɑ̃́ːnɾĩ̀  someone alone 
71  dahnídah dàdìdɑ̀?  rattle (as boxes in the back of a vehicle) 
72  ishkiin ɪ̀ʃkĩ̀ːn  boy 
73  nohwíí nõ̀wĩ́ː  we, you 
74  da'kwíí dàkwĩ́ː  how many 
75  ts'aaɫ tsɑ́ːɬ  cradleboard 
76  tséé tsé˅ː  rock