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Entry Speaker Zulu English 
1  I Ya, kunjani?  So, how are you? 
2  II Hayi, sikhona Phrofesa.  No, Prof. I'm fine. 
3  I Hayi-bo; nathi sikhona. Manje ihambe kanjani leyandoda izolo?  No problem; I'm fine too. Now, how did it go with that man yesterday? 
4  II Cha, uhambe kahle. Ukuthi nje bese bematasatasa, sebexoshisa isikhathi.  No, everything when well. It's just that they were rushed for time. 
5  I O, ya. Bafike bakubeka ekhaya…  Yes. Did they drop you at home (by car)… 
6  II Bafike bangibeka ekhaya, badlula njalo njalo.  Yes, they did and left shortly after. 
7  I O, …  I see… 
8  II …sebeya lapho-ke, ehotela labo.  …to go to their hotel (where they were staying). 
9  I Ehotela [false start]. Konje ubemenywe yilomlungu emzini wakhe?  The hotel [false start]. By the way he was invited by some White? 
10  II Ehe, bebeya edineni elithize.  Yes, they were going to some dinner somewhere. 
11  I Uye wajabula ukukubona… Hawu, kwenzenjani? Wawuthe uzombona loya ndoda?  Was he pleased to see you…? By the way what happened? You had said you would see that man? 
12  II Yiphi indoda? Yiphi indoda Phrofesa?  Which man? Which man, Professor? 
13  I Yena phela uNkabinde. Wawuthe uzombona.  He, Nkabinde. You had said you would see him. 
14  II Hawu, phela angithi isikhathi asibangakhona.  After all, there was no time. 
15  I Ekuseni?  In the morning? 
16  II Nini? Ekuseni? Cha, ekuseni aka-phumelelanga ukuza ekilasini lethu ugoba ubenenye indawo la beku-fanele aye khona…  When? In the morning? No, in the morning he couldn’t make it to our class because he had to go somewhere else… 
17  I O, aye khona.  O, had to go somewhere else. 
18  II Ehe, akakwazanga ukuza ekilasini.  Yes, he couldn't come to class. 
19  I O.  I see. 
20  II Cha, akakwazanga mpelampela.  No, he couldn't come to class at all. 
21  I O. [pause] Wayenjani esikoleni? Sengisho ukuthi ubukeka engumuntu onomoya omuhle.  I see. [pause] How was he at school? I mean, he looks like he's a nice guy. 
22  II Cha, unomoya omuhle kabi, bantu.  Oh yes, he's a nice guy. 
23  I Ehe…  Yes… 
24  II Unomoya omuhle kabi. Into nje wayesifeyilisa.  He's a very nice guy. Only he used to fail us. 
25  I [pause] Wayefeyilisa.  [pause] He used to fail you. 
26  II Wayesifeyilisa. Akazange afake uthando ikthina lokuthi siluthande ulimi lwethu, siziqhenye ngalo.  Yes, he used to fail us. He never instilled in us love for our language, that we should be proud of it. 
27  I O, konje wayefundisa isiZulu yena?  By the way, he used to teach Zulu? 
28  II Ehe, wayefundisa isiZulu. Kangangoba nje, uyabona nje elchaya; uma nje ufunda ugogoda izilimi zesintu, awu, abangane bakho bakubukela phansi kabi.  Yes, he did. So much so that-you see back home when one is a major in African languages, one's friends look down upon him. 
29  I Ya, phela kwenziwa ukuthi bakhohlisiwe, ngoba phela izifiki lezi zabelungu, ziyabakhohlisa.  Yes, it's because they have been brainwashed, because these Western foreigners are good at brainwashing. 
30  II Ehe…  Yes… 
31  I Kanti manje bona, isiNgisi sabo basifunda! Yisona esiphambili…  And yet they so study their English, that it's advanced. 
32  II Kabi.  Oh, yes indeed. 
33  I Ubona, nje, ilokhuza, abafundi abaningi bagcwele khona esiNgisini…  That's why most students flock to the English Department. 
34  II Ehe, esiNgisini.  Yes, the English Dept. 
35  I Bagcwele esiNgisini. Yinqwaba. Benzela ukuthi bakhohlwe ulimi lwabo bese begijimela isiNgisi.  Lots of them study in the English Dept. Multitudes. The idea is to let you forget your native language and concentrate on English. 
36  II Bayasifeyila futhi. Laphaya Kuleyunivesithi ebengikuyona, lapha eWits ___ izitshudeni eziningi njalo zazingenzi isiZulu ngoba zinothando…  Equally well, they fail it. At Wits where I taught most students did not study Zulu out of interest… 
37  I O, ya.  Yes. 
38  II Zazenza isiZulu ngani ngoba mhlawumbe uthola ukuthi la efunda khona, kufanele ukuba ufunde nje okungenani noma ulimi olulodwa.  They took Zulu, in some cases just to satisfy requirements e.g. one language. 
39  I O, ya…  Yes… 
40  II Baqale ngapha esiNgisini sakubo…  They'd try their English… 
41  I O, ya.  Yes… 
42  II Bafeyile, baphume no"F" amagrade. Bathole o"F"…  And fail to the extent of socring "F's". Getting "F's". 
43  I Hawu, umuntu alhulwe ulimi lwakhe?  You mean, they would fail their mother tongue? 
44  II Hawu, afeyile umuntu aze aze anikwe ___ kukhona igrade ekhaya etuthiwa u"FF". U"FF" usho ukuthi ushwebe kangangoba awusavunyelwe nokuthi uzame ukuphinda. Uyaxoshwa…  Yes, they would fail to such an extent that ___ there's a grade in SA called "FF". "FF" means the student has failed so dismally that he may not even repeat the class. He is simply excluded… 
45  I Sebethi "Hamba Kahle".  Then they say "Good-bye". 
46  II Bathi "Hamba Kahle". Iningi laliza lapha kithina njena ezilimini zethu zesintu ngoba selihlulekile, libalekangapha esiNgisini.  Yes, it means "Good-bye". Most would take African languages after having failed-running away from English. 
47  I Selizokhalela.  Just to lick their wounds. 
48  II Hm.  Yes. 
49  I Hawu, madoda!  My God, I can't believe it! 
50  II Nayo-ke into embi ayenza uthisha lo, obela. Wayesifundisa kahle kabi, kodwa nje esincisha amamaki, alenze ulimi lubne lukhuni, lubukeke sengathi lukhuni. Ngenxa yalokho abantu abaningi baze baphelelwa umdlandla.  That's the sad thing that this teacher (Prof.) who was here did to us. He was a very good teacher although he was miserly with grades and set such tough exams that Zulu would seem difficult. Because of that, most students lost interest (in the language). 
51  I Kusho ukuthi wayethi uyaluqunisa ngoba phela wayazi ukuthi abantu bayaye… [false start] Ingani phela ngithe ngikhuluma nomunye ngithi "Hawu, ufikile lana uzombona na?" Wathi "Ho, usho lo owathola idigri ngesiZulu…?"  Probably, he was trying to make it seem difficult because… [false start] Just recently when I said to someone "He's around. Are you gonna see him?". His reply was "You mean that (Prof) who majored in Zulu?" 
52  II Hm.  Yes. 
53  I Washo wahleka…  Then, he giggled… 
54  II Washo wahleka…  Giggled… 
55  I Ngasho ngathi wo, okungabantu akwazi lutho…  Then I said to myself "People just don't know much". 
56  II Akwazi lutho…  Yes, they don't know much… 
57  I Akwazi ukuthi imfundo… Uma umuntu efunda, ulwazi uluthola ngezinto eziningi…  They don't know that education… When you study you gain education from a number of things… 
58  II Eziningi…  A number of things, yes… 
59  I Kakhulukazi ulimi…  Especially from language(s)… 
60  II Ulimi…  Language(s)… 
61  I Ngoba phela uma lengasekho ulimi, ungeke usasho ukuthi ulwazi lwakini lolo.  Because if you don't have a language then you have no culture. 
62  II Mm.  Yes. 
63  I Sekuwulwazi lwalabo bantu.  Then the culture (people have) has been dispossed. 
64  II Angithi uboneke manje ngoba ngenzxa yokuthi ulwimi lwethu silu lahlile, lucoshwe yiwo lamankengane. Athe esuka…  Just see. Now that we have forsaken our language (Zulu) it has been adopted by foreigners. They they… 
65  I E…  Yes. 
66  II Ayesezenza izazi ezinkulu, abhala izincwadi - ODoke laba, amakhela…  Pretended to be custodians (of our langauge), wrote grammars - People like old man Doke (Prof. Emeritus C. M. Doke)… 
67  I Awuboni-ke.  You see…. 
68  II Babhala izincwadi; baxova bebhala okungamaqiniso nokungamanga. Manje sekulukhuni…  Wrote grammars - confused things, writing both truths and untruths. Now it's difficult… 
69  I Sekulukhuni…  It's difficult… 
70  II Ukuthi silungise…  To right the wrong… 
71  I Ngoba manje umuntu sekukhona asebelubalekele.  Because most scholars have forsaken the language. 
72  II Siyakhala manje. Siyakhala ngalezi zincwadi zikaDoke. Siyabonga. Sithi wazama. Kodwa siyahlaba. Izinto eziningi kabi…  We regret it. We lament Doke's books. We thank him. We appreciate his efforts. Yet, we criticize. We criticize a number of things… 
73  I Aziphelele.  Which are missing… 
74  II Mm.  Yes. 
75  I Kodwa manje aniqhamuki…  But then you don't contribute (anything) 
76  II Asiqhamuki.  Yes, we don't contribute. 
77  I Nezenu.  Your own. 
78  II Asiqhamuki nezethu.  We don't contribute our own. 
79  I Manje, uthe uma nikhuluma akakulugniseli uma uya ekhaya?  While you were discussing, did he say anything about when you go back home? 
80  II Cha, asizange sikhulume indaba yokuyofundisa kwakhe.  No, we never mentioned my idea of having to teach at his school (university). 
81  I Hawu, manje akazange ayiphathe leyo?  You mean he didn't mention that one? 
82  II Cha, azange siyikhulume.  No, we never touched on that. 
83  I Uthi unawo amandla?  Do you think he has the power? 
84  II Ingani uyena ophethe nje? Uyena uthishanhloko weYunivesithi. Iphethwe uye nje?  How couldn't he? He's in power. He is the head of the university (President). It's run by him. 
85  I Habe! Ubani okunguyena ab'ambiza ngokuthi "uChancellor"?  What? Who then is the "Chancellor"? 
86  II UMangosuthu.  Mangosuthu (Chief Gatsha Buthelezi). 
87  I O, uyena?  Is it he? 
88  II UMangosuthu uChancellor, Yena unguVice-Chancellor ophethe isikole. Ulokhuzana uyena ophethe isikole.  Mangosuthu is the Chancellor. He (NKabinde) is the Vice-Chancellor. What's name (Prof. Nkabinde) runs the school. 
89  I O, ngiyabona. Uyena ophethe indawo.  Now, I understand. He runs the whole show. 
90  II Mm. Akasafundisi. Usehlala nje ehovisi. UNKabinde unguthishanhloko.  Yes. He does not even teach. He just works from his office. NKabinde is the Principal. 
91  I Habe!  What! 
92  II Ehe, uyena uThishanhloko ophethe iYunivesithi yasoNgoye.  Yes. He is the Head who runs the entire University of Ngoye. 
93  I Uyiphethe nje jikelele?  You mean he runs it completely? 
94  II Jikelele. Ekhaya-ke ukuthi, phecelezi bathi "uRector".  Completely. At home (in SA) we call him the "Rector". 
95  I Bangasho ukuthi uyena [faint].  They don't say that it's he [faint]. 
96  II Bathi "uRector" le ekhaya.  They say "Rector" at home. 
97  I Ya, so manje wenzenjani? Zihamba kanjani izifundo zakho?  So now, how's the going with your studies? 
98  II Ehe. Ngibabele khona nje ukuthi uma siqeda ukukhuluma la…  Yes, I'm just dying that when we finish here… 
99  I Ehe…  Yes… 
100  II Ngikhulume nawe indaba yezifundo zami ngoba ngidinga usizo lwakho.  Then we can talk about my studies, because I need your help. 
101  I Uzoluthola…  You'll get it… 
102  II Ehe, ngidinga usizo lwakho ngendaba yezifundo zami.  Yes, I need your help concerning my studies. 
103  I Ya, zikuxakile…  Things are getting tough… 
104  II Cha. Kufanele ungifundise. Kukhona izifundo zakho ekufanele ngizithathe.  Not really. You have to give me lessons. There are some of your classes I have to take. 
105  I O…  Yes… 
106  II Kukhona izifundo zakho ekufanele ngizithathe. Kodwa kulekota akulu-nganga.  There are some of your classes I have to take. But this Quarter, things just didn't work well. 
107  I O…  Yes… 
108  II Kodwa ngaphambi kokuba ngihambe, kuyodingeka ukuba ngithathe izifundo zakho.  But before I go home, I'll have to take some of your classes. 
109  I Zithathe ngoba ziyokusiza.  Take them because they'll help you. 
110  II Ehe.  Yes. 
111  I Ehe, ngoba nami ngizama ukwakha indlela entsha yokufunda lezizifundo. Ngoba manje into kakhulu ehluphayo ukuthi izifundo lezi zasesilungwini umuntu uyaye athi uma ezifunda, ebese sezikhona ezinye akade ezifundile, njengoHistory nobani nobani.  Yes, because I too, am trying to develop a new methology for learning these ideas. You see, the main problem is that when people take my classes they have already taken such Western-oriented classes as History etc. 
112  II Ehe…  Yes… 
113  I Manje-ke, kudingeka ukuthi nathi siyafilca la emlandweni yethu, bese sikhombisa ukuthi lento uma yenzeka, yenzeka iphumaphi.  So, what we have to do is, if we have to deal with our own history then, we must show where it originates from. 
114  II Ehe…  Yes… 
115  I Ibe neminyombo yayo…  So that we can see the origion (the etymology). 
116  II Ehe…  Yes… 
117  I So, ngizama ukuveza neminyombo…  So, I'm trying to show the mythological origins. 
118  II Iminyombo. Awu, kuhle lokho.  Mythological origins. That's fine.