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Entry Transcription  English Translation 
1  ˈvɨnt̪uɭ ʃi ˈso̯arele se tʃerˈtaw, fiekare pretin ˈsɨnd kə ˈjɛɭ jeˌra ˌtʃeɭ maj ˈtare, kɨnd ˌjej vəˈzurə un kəɭəˈtɔr tʃe so ˈse̯a ɨmbrəˈkat ku paɭˈtonuɭ. ˈjej se ɨntseˈɭɛserə kə ʔa ˈtʃeɭa dintre ˈjeç kare va izbuˈti sə dezˈbratʃe pe kəɭə ˈtɔr te paɭˈtɔn, va ˌfirekunos ˈkut ka ˈtʃeɭ maj tare. detʃ ˈvɨntuɭ ɨntʃe ˈpu sə ˈsufɭe din ˈto̯atə pu ˈtere̯a, dar ku ˈkɨt̪ suˈfɭa maj ˈt̪are, ku aˈt̪ɨt̪ kələ ˈtoruɭ ɨʃ strɨnˈdʒe̯æ maj ˈt̪are paɭˈtonuɭ, jar ˌpɨnə ɭa ˈurmə ˈvɨntuɭ renunˈtsə de a iɭ ˈsko̯ate, aˈtuntʃ ˈso̯areɭe ɨntʃeˈpu sə strəɭu ˈtʃe̯æskə, ʃi ɨn keˈrɨnd kəɭəˈtoruɭ ɨnkəɭˈzit ɨʃ ˈsko̯ase ˈsingur paɭˈtonuɭ. ʃi ˈʔastfeɭ ˈvintuɭ a trebuˈit sə rekuˈno̯askə kə ˈso̯areɭe jera ˈtʃeɭt maj ˈtare dintre ˈjej ˈdoj.  The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveller came along wrapt in a warm cloak. They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other. Then the North Wind blew with all his might, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveller fold his cloak around him; and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shone out warmly, and immediately the traveller took off his cloak. And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.