Filename (WAV)ron_word-list_1975_01.wav 
Filename (MP3)ron_word-list_1975_01.mp3 
DialectTransylvanian dialect 
SIL Coderon 
Recording ContentsWord List 
Recording LocationUCLA Phonetics Lab 
Recording Date6 June, 1975 
FieldworkersUCLA Student 
Speaker OriginSpeaker from Alba, Romania 
Speaker NameN/A 
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) 
MP3 Bit Rate56 kbps 
Original Recording MediumReel Tape 
Unicode Word Listron_word-list_1975_01.html 
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 42 
TIFF Imageron_word-list_1975_01.tif 
JPG Imageron_word-list_1975_01.jpg 
TIFF Image Quality300 dpi 
JPG Image Quality300 dpi 
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Filename (WAV)ron_word-list_1985_01.wav 
Filename (MP3)ron_word-list_1985_01.mp3 
DialectDialect unspecified 
SIL Coderon 
Recording ContentsWord List 
Recording LocationUCLA Phonetics Lab 
Recording Date21 November, 1985 
FieldworkersUCLA Student 
Speaker OriginSpeaker from Bucharest, Romania 
Speaker NameN/A 
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) 
MP3 Bit Rate56 kbps 
Original Recording MediumCassette Tape 
Unicode Word Listron_word-list_1985_01.html 
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 104 
TIFF Imageron_word-list_1985_01.tif 
JPG Imageron_word-list_1985_01.jpg 
TIFF Image Quality300 dpi 
JPG Image Quality300 dpi 
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Filename (WAV)ron_word-list_1989_01.wav 
Filename (MP3)ron_word-list_1989_01.mp3 
DialectDialect unspecified 
SIL Coderon 
Recording ContentsWord List 
Recording LocationUCLA Phonetics Lab 
Recording Date14 March, 1989 
FieldworkersUCLA Student 
Speaker OriginSpeaker origin unspecified 
Speaker NameN/A 
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) 
MP3 Bit Rate56 kbps 
Original Recording MediumCassette Tape 
Unicode Word Listron_word-list_1989_01.html 
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 66 
TIFF Imageron_word-list_1989_01.tif 
TIFF Image 2ron_word-list_1989_02.tif 
JPG Imageron_word-list_1989_01.jpg 
JPG Image 2ron_word-list_1989_02.jpg 
TIFF Image Quality300 dpi 
JPG Image Quality300 dpi 
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Filename (WAV)ron_word-list_1989_02.wav 
Filename (MP3)ron_word-list_1989_02.mp3 
DialectDialect unspecified 
SIL Coderon 
Recording ContentsWord List 
Recording LocationUCLA Phonetics Lab 
Recording Date14 March, 1989 
FieldworkersUCLA Student 
Speaker OriginSpeaker origin unspecified 
Speaker NameN/A 
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) 
MP3 Bit Rate56 kbps 
Original Recording MediumCassette Tape 
Unicode Word Listron_word-list_1989_02.html 
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 28 
TIFF Imageron_word-list_1989_03.tif 
JPG Imageron_word-list_1989_03.jpg 
TIFF Image Quality300 dpi 
JPG Image Quality300 dpi 
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Filename (WAV)ron_word-list_1994_01.wav 
Filename (MP3)ron_word-list_1994_01.mp3 
DialectDialect unspecified 
SIL Coderon 
Recording ContentsWord List 
Recording LocationUCLA Phonetics Lab 
Recording Date4 March, 1994 
FieldworkersUCLA Student 
Speaker OriginSpeaker from Bucharest, Romania 
Speaker NameN/A 
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) 
MP3 Bit Rate56 kbps 
Original Recording MediumCassette Tape 
Unicode Word Listron_word-list_1994_01.html 
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 91 
TIFF Imageron_word-list_1994_01.tif 
TIFF Image 2ron_word-list_1994_02.tif 
JPG Imageron_word-list_1994_01.jpg 
JPG Image 2ron_word-list_1994_02.jpg 
TIFF Image Quality300 dpi 
JPG Image Quality300 dpi 
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Filename (WAV)ron_story_0000_01.wav 
Filename (MP3)ron_story_0000_01.mp3 
DialectDialect unspecified 
SIL Coderon 
Recording ContentsStory 
Recording LocationLocation unspecified 
Recording DateDate unspecified 
FieldworkersFieldworker(s) unspecified 
Speaker OriginSpeaker from Bucharest, Romania 
Speaker NameSpeaker name unspecified 
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) 
MP3 Bit Rate56 kbps 
Original Recording MediumReel Tape 
Unicode Word Listron_story_0000_01.html 
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 1 
TIFF Imageron_story_0000_01.tif 
JPG Imageron_story_0000_01.jpg 
TIFF Image Quality300 dpi 
JPG Image Quality300 dpi 
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Filename (WAV)ron_story_0000_02.wav 
Filename (MP3)ron_story_0000_02.mp3 
DialectDialect unspecified 
SIL Coderon 
Recording ContentsStory 
Recording LocationLocation unspecified 
Recording DateDate unspecified 
FieldworkersFieldworker(s) unspecified 
Speaker OriginSpeaker from Moldova, moved to Bucharest, Romania in 1940 
Speaker NameMrs. Hodar 
WAV Digitization Quality44.1 kHz, 16-bit sound depth (bit rate=705 kbps) 
MP3 Bit Rate56 kbps 
Original Recording MediumReel Tape 
Unicode Word Listron_story_0000_02.html 
Unicode Word List Entries1 - 1 
TIFF Imageron_story_0000_02.tif 
TIFF Image 2ron_story_0000_03.tif 
JPG Imageron_story_0000_02.jpg 
JPG Image 2ron_story_0000_03.jpg 
TIFF Image Quality300 dpi 
JPG Image Quality300 dpi 
Rights of AccessThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.