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Entry Transliteration  English
1  ̂Âlo  Hello. 
2  Âlo  Hello. 
3  Âfsheen jɑ̈n chetorē?  How are you Afshin? 
4  Ali sɑlɑ̈m hɑlɑt khôbe?  Hi Ali, are you allright? 
5  Bɑd nēstɑm, to chetorē?  Not bad, how are you. 
6  Bɑd nēstɑm. Che khɑbɑrhɑ̈  Not bad, what's new? 
7  Ê…khɑbɑrhɑ̈…sɑlɑ̈mɑtē  Ah, news, health… 
8  Khylē vɑghte hɑrf nɑzɑdēm bɑ̈ hɑm  We haven't talked for a long time. 
9  Telefon nemēzɑnē dēgge, mɑn hɑm ke mɑshghōlɑm…ēnɑ…rōzhɑ̈ kɑ̈r mēkonɑm rōzē nô sɑɑt kɑ̈r mēkônɑm vɑ khɑrje zendegge zēyɑd shode vɑ…  You don't call anymore. And I am busy…I work during the day…I work nine hours during the day…and the cost of living has gone up and… 
10  mɑn hɑm hɑmēntôr dēgge, mɑn hɑm kɑ̈r mēkonɑm vɑ shɑbhɑ̈ hɑm khɑste mēɑ̈ēm khōne vɑ mēggērēm mēkhɑbēm dēgge  Me too, I work too and at night I come home so tired and go to bed. 
11  Tô kôjɑ̈ kɑ̈r mēkônē?  Where do you work? 
12  Mɑn tōye chɑpkhone  Me? In a printing place. 
13  Ê…  Uhu… 
14  Kôpē hɑ̈m mēkônɑm  I make copies too. 
15  Pɑs hɑmɑ̈n kɑ̈rē ke mɑn mēkōnɑm to mēkônē, rɑ̈zē hɑstē ɑz kɑ̈rɑt?  So you are doing the same thing I do. Are you satisfied with your job? 
16  Vɑ̈lɑ̈ Ali sɑkhte kɑ̈r dēgge. Kɑ̈rɑsh yek kɑmē sɑkhte vɑ zēyɑ̈de rōzē hɑft, hɑsht sɑ̈ɑt kɑ̈r, yek kɑmēbɑdɑnēst vɑ̈lē khôb dēgge feɑlɑn bɑrɑ̈ye emrɑ̈re meɑsh vɑ khɑrje zendeggē dɑr bēyɑd bɑd nēst dēgge, feɑlɑn môvɑghē ɑst tɑ̈ bebēnēm bɑɑdɑn chē mēshe?  Well Ali, it's hard work…and it is too much. Seven to eight hours of work a day. It is a little physical but well for the time being to make a living it is not too bad. For the time being it is temporary then I will see what happens… 
17  Ähɑ̈…chɑnd rōz dɑr hɑ̈fte kɑ̈r mēkonē?  Uhu…How many days a week do you work? 
18  Vɑ̈lɑ̈ pɑnj rōz, bɑɑzē môgheɑhɑ̈ shɑmbehɑ̈ hɑm mērɑvɑm  Well five days, sometimes I go on Saturdays too. 
19  Ê…shɑnbehɑ̈ hɑ̈m mērē kɑ̈r mēkonē?  you work on Saturdays too? 
20  Äre, tɑ̈ hɑ̈lɑ̈ dôtɑ̈ shɑnbe rɑftɑmô…  Yes so far I have gone two Saturdays. 
21  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
22  Hɑrvɑght lɑzem dɑ̈shte bɑshɑnd shɑmbehɑ̈ hɑm mērɑvɑm   When ever they need it, I go on Saturdays too. 
23  Ähɑ̈, hōghōhɑt khob hɑst?  Uhu. Is your salary good? 
24  Hōghōghɑm hɑ̈mɑn sɑ̈ɑtē pɑnjɑ̈, shɑst sente.  My pay is the same, $5.60. 
25  Ähɑ̈.  Uhu. 
26  Khɑrje zendeggē mɑ̈hɑ̈ne dɑr mēyɑd, mɑn khɑrje zēyɑ̈dē nɑdɑ̈rɑm ke  It covers my monthly expenses, I don't have any extra expenses. 
27  Ähɑ̈, ɑz mɑ̈mɑ̈n, bɑ̈bɑ̈ che khɑbɑr?  Uhu. What is new from your mom and dad? 
28  Mɑ̈mɑn, bɑ̈bɑ̈m khobɑnd. Hɑfte pēsh etefɑ̈ghɑn telephon kɑrdɑnd vɑ goftɑnd mɑ̈ khobēm vɑ nōn vɑ ɑ̈bemōn rōberɑst vɑ…  My mom and dad are fine, they called last week and said that they were fine and they are making a living. 
29  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
30  nɑ̈rɑ̈hɑte nɑdɑrɑnd dēgge, bemɑn goftɑnd ɑggɑr khɑstɑm bɑr ggɑrdɑm hɑ̈lɑ̈ ke dɑrsɑm tɑmɑm shode vɑ ēnɑ hɑr vɑght bekhɑm mētonɑm berɑm…  They don't have any worries; they told me if I wanted now that my studies are over I can go anytime I want. 
31  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
32  vɑ ɑ̈njɑ zɑnē shɑ̈yɑd begērɑm ô  And there, I may get married. 
33  Bɑhǃ bɑhǃ môbɑ̈rɑkeǃ mɑ̈ rɑ̈ hɑ̈m khɑbɑr bede bēɑ̈ēm dēgge  Wow! Congratulations! Let us know so we could come too. 
34  hɑtmɑn dēgge mēdɑ̈nê ke mɑ̈ nɑ̈mzɑd dɑ̈rēm to Irɑn dēgge…  Of course. Well you know I have a fiance in Iran. 
35  Bɑle, bɑle môntɑzerɑt hɑst ô…  Yes. And she is waiting for you and… 
36  Hɑ̈lɑ̈ bɑ̈yɑd yek tɑrtēbē bedēm hɑme bɑ̈ hɑm berēm dēgge, Ali  Now let's arrange so we'll all go together, Ali. 
37  Äre dēgge, mɑ̈ hɑm zɑn ggereftēm vɑ hɑ̈lɑ̈ nôbɑte toe ke zɑn beggērēô…E…zendeggye mojɑredɑ̈ne dēgge bɑse, hɑ̈lɑ̈ yɑvɑ̈sh yɑvɑ̈sh bɑ̈yɑd tɑshkēle zendegge bede ô…  Yes, I am married too and now it is your turn to get married. It is enough of living like a bachelor now little by little you have to start a family. 
38  Äre hɑ̈lɑ̈ kɑm kɑm tɑ̈ dô se mɑ̈he dēgge fekr konɑm mɑn hɑm kɑm kɑm berɑm dēgge.  Yes. Now little by little in two or three months I think I'll go. 
39  Mɑ̈ hɑm mēkhɑ̈hēm bɑrggɑrdēm, mɑn hɑm bɑ̈ zɑnɑm sohbɑt kɑrdɑm vɑ ēnɑ vɑghɑɑn delemōn khylē tɑngg shôde bɑrɑye mɑ̈mɑ̈n vɑ ēna vɑ bɑ̈yed berēm dēgge, khylē vɑghte ēnjɑ̈ hɑstēm  We want to go back too. I have talked to my wife too and we have really missed mom and dad and everybody and we must go. We have been here for a long time. 
40  Hɑ̈lɑ̈ kɑm kɑm tɑrtēbɑshe mēdēm.  Now we'll arrange it little by little. 
41  Äre ɑ̈nvɑght ēnjɑ̈ kɑ̈rhɑ̈ɑē ke…vɑ̈ghɑen dɑrsē ke mɑ̈ khondēm ke tô ēn reshte ke kɑ̈r ggēr nemēɑ̈yɑd.  Yes but we can't find a job in the same field that we have studied here. 
42  Äre.  Yes. 
43  Bɑ̈yɑd berēm ɑ̈njɑ̈ ɑghlɑn pɑhlōye ɑ̈nhɑ̈ bɑ̈shēm  I have to go there and be with them at least. 
44  Äre ɑ̈njɑ yek kɑ̈rē khôlɑ̈se peydɑ̈ mēkônēǃ  Yes over there you'll find some kind of job. 
45  Äre ɑ̈nvɑght chēze…mēggoftē mēkhɑ̈y bors beggēr berɑ̈ye chēzɑt, chē shod?  Then you were saying that you were going to get a scholarship, what happened? 
46  Vɑ̈lɑ̈ USC rɑftɑm eghdɑ̈m kɑrdɑm…  Well I applied at USC… 
47  Ähɑ̈  Uhu. 
48  bɑrɑ̈ye dôktôrɑ̈ ke bemɑn beɑstelɑ̈h yek borsē bedehɑnd, chon hɑ̈lɑ̈ ke pool nɑdɑ̈rɑm berɑ̈ye shɑhrēye ke mɑn mɑselɑn dɑrsɑm bedɑm ɑ̈njɑ vɑ berɑm doktorɑ̈me beggērɑm, hɑ̈lɑ̈ dɑr dɑste eghdɑm hɑnōz mɑɑlōm nēst jɑvɑbɑsh mēɑ̈yɑd, hɑ̈lɑ̈ UCLA hɑ̈m mēkhɑ̈m E...formɑsh rɑ pur konɑm ke...  For PhD, so they would give me a scholarship. Since now I don't have the money to pay the tuition for instance I can teach there and go for my PhD. Now they are working on it. The result will come. Now I want to fill up the forms for UCLA too...  
49  Shɑ̈yɑd mɑsɑlɑn bɑrɑ̈ye sɑ̈le ɑ̈yɑnde vɑ ēnɑ, ɑlbɑte fekr nɑkonɑm ɑmɑlē bɑ̈shɑd vɑlē hɑ̈lɑ̈ mɑ̈ sɑeye khodemōne mēkonēm bebēnēm chē mēshe.  Maybe for next year, of course I don't think it will work but still we'll try our best and see what happens. 
50  Etefɑ̈ghɑn Doctor Volt tɑmɑ̈s gereft hɑfte gozɑshte mēggoft be Afshēn ggoftɑm ɑggɑr komɑkē ɑz dɑst mɑn sɑ̈khte bɑ̈shɑd rɑ̈je be bōrseto ēnɑ…  Dr. Volt got in touch with me last week. He was saying that "I told Ashfeen if there is anything I can do about your scholarship to let me know". 
51  Äreǃ mɑn pēshɑsh yek dɑfe rɑftɑm vɑlē mesle ēnke kɑ̈rē nɑkɑrd hɑ̈lɑ̈ bebēnēm chē mēsheǃ  Yes I went to see him once but it seemed like he didn't do anything, now we'll see what happens. 
52  Ähɑ, bɑ Mētrɑ̈ sohbɑt kɑrdē tɑ̈ze?  Uhu. Have you talked to Meetra lately? 
53  Mētrɑ̈ hɑm, hɑfte pēsh bɑ̈hɑ̈sh sohbɑt kɑrdɑm, SAN FRANCISCO ɑst vɑ hɑ̈lɑsh khobe vɑ shohɑrɑsh hɑm khobe vɑ…  Meetra also, I talked to her last week. She is in San Francisco and she is fine her husband is fine too, and… 
54  Ähɑ.  Uhu. 
55  Khob ō hɑm khylē delɑsh bɑrɑ̈ye mɑ̈mɑ̈n vɑ ēnɑ tɑngg shode, delɑsh mēkhɑ̈d bebēnɑteshōn vɑlē khob feɑlɑn ke mogheɑsh nēst hɑ̈lɑ̈. Bɑ̈yɑd mɑn vɑ tô vɑ Berēnkɑ̈ hɑ̈lɑ̈ yek dɑfe berēm San Fransisco Aliǃ  Well she has missed mom a lot also. She wants to see them but it is not the time yet. Ali, you and Berenka and I should go to San francisco once. 
56  Äre bɑ̈yɑd berēm pɑhlōsh bebēnēmɑsh  Yes we should go and see her. 
57  Änjɑ̈ ôtɑghhɑ̈ye mehmōn ɑst ke bɑ̈ ghymɑte…  There are guest rooms with a price… 
58  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
59  Khylē ɑrzōn mētônem beggērēm chōn khodeshon ke jɑ̈ nɑdɑ̈rɑnd, vɑlē mɑsɑlɑn bɑ̈ shɑbē pɑnj, shesh dollɑ̈r mēshe ôtɑ̈gh ggereft…  We can get it for very cheap. Because they don't have room, but we can get a room for five or six dollars a night. 
60  E…  Uhu. 
61  to khode môhɑvɑteye dɑ̈neshggɑ̈. Mɑn bɑ̈bɑ̈ ēnɑ rɑ̈ ɑ̈njɑ bôrdɑm mogheē ke dô sɑ̈l pēsh ɑ̈mɑde bodɑnd, mɑn vɑ bɑ̈bɑ̈ vɑ mɑ̈mɑn toyē yek ôtɑ̈gh bōdēm vɑ…  In the campus. I took mom and dad there. When they came two years ago me and mom and dad were in one room and… 
62  Ähɑ…  Uhu. 
63  Hɑmōm dɑ̈sht vɑ ēnɑ, khylē khōb bōd.  It had a bathroom and everything. It was very good. 
64  Che ɑrzōn hɑm hɑstǃ Shɑbē panj, shesh dolɑ̈rǃ  It is really cheap. Five to six dollars a night. 
65  Äre bekhɑ̈re hɑm dɑ̈re, dōsh hɑm dɑ̈re vɑ ēn hɑrfɑ̈, kholɑ̈se yek chɑnd rōzē morɑkhɑsē hɑ̈m tô hɑ̈m mɑn ɑz kɑ̈remon beggērēm vɑ…  Yes it has a heater and shower and everything. Anyway you and I have to take a vacation from work and… 
66  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
67  yek serē bɑ̈yɑd berēm ōntɑrɑfɑ̈ degge ɑ̈nhɑ̈ rɑ̈ bebēnem.  Once we have to go there and see them. 
68  Etefɑ̈ghɑn Pɑ̈ēlto khɑylē ghɑshɑnggeǃ  In fact Paelto is very nice. 
69  Khɑylē ghɑshɑnggeǃ  It is very nice. 
70  Yekē, do hɑfte bemōnēm, ōn shomɑle San Francisco yek shɑhrhɑ̈ye khɑylē ghɑshɑnggyeǃ  We should stay for a week or two. In the Northern part of San Francisco there are some nice cities… 
71  Khɑylē ghɑshɑngge ôn tɑrɑfe OREGON shɑhrɑ̈ye khɑylē ghɑshɑng hɑst ɑ̈njɑ̈ǃ  It is very nice towards Oregon there are nice places. 
72  Äre etefɑ̈ghɑn mɑn yek dōst dɑ̈rɑm, Äghɑ̈ye Hɑ̈tɑmē…  Yes in fact I have a friend, Mr. Hatami… 
73  Ähɑ̈.  Uhu. 
74  Tōye yek shɑrē Pôlkerēk mēshēne, khɑylē shɑhre ghɑshɑngge vɑ kōcheke vɑ mɑnɑzere jɑnggelē vɑ ēnɑ̈ dorostɑsh kɑrdē?  He lives in Polkerek, it is a very nice city it is small and has a nice forest view and a waterfall and river and things like that. 
75  Pɑs bɑ̈yɑd hotmɑn ēn kɑ̈r rɑ̈ bekônēm.  So we have to do this for sure. 
76  Äreǃ Mɑ̈shēnɑt mēggoftē khɑrɑ̈be vɑ ēnɑ̈ dorostɑsh kɑrde?  Yes. You were saying that your car doesn't work. Did you fix it? 
77  Hɑnōz nɑkɑrdɑm, nɑ. Hɑ̈lɑ̈ ɑz ēn hōghōghhɑ̈ē ke mēggērɑm mēkhɑ̈m yek dɑfe dorostɑsh konɑm dēgge.  Not yet. No. Now from this pay I want to fix it. 
78  Ähɑ̈, hɑ̈lɑ̈ dorostɑsh kôn vɑ befrōshɑsh vɑ yek mɑ̈shēne dēgge bekhɑr ɑggɑr…  Now fix it and sell it and buy another car if… 
79  Hɑ̈lɑ̈ ɑggɑr mōndɑnē beshɑm ēn kɑ̈r rɑ̈ mēkonɑm; ɑ̈re ɑggɑr mōndɑnē beshɑm ke ēn mɑ̈chēnô mēfrōshɑm vɑ yek cheeze dēgge mēkhɑrɑm, ɑggɑr rɑftɑnē shodɑm ke yek dɑfe mēfrōshɑm vɑ mērɑm.  Now, if I stay I'll do that. Yes if I plan on staying I'll sell this car and I'll buy another one. If I plan on going then I'll sell it and go. 
80  Mɑ̈shine mɑ̈ ke ɑz bɑs hɑy benzēn mɑsrɑf mēkone mɑ̈ rɑ̈ bēchɑ̈re kɑrdeǃ  My car is using so much gas that I am miserable. 
81  Äreǃ Hɑsht cylɑndr hɑm hɑstǃ  Yes it is eight cylinder. 
82  Äre, rōze dô, se dôllɑr benzēn mɑsrɑf mēkoneǃ  Yes it burns two to three Dollars of gas a day. 
83  Mɑsrɑfe ɑ̈n mɑ̈shēn khɑylē zēyɑ̈de.  The gas consumption of that car is too much. 
84  Mēkhɑ̈nɑm befrōshɑmesh mɑ̈shēne chehɑ̈r sēlɑndr…  I want to sell it and buy a four cylinder one. 
85  Äre ôn eghtesɑ̈dētɑre mɑ̈shēne chehɑ̈r sēlɑndr, mɑn hɑfteē yek bɑ̈r bɑ̈kɑsh rɑ̈ pôr mēkonɑm vɑ bɑse dēgge mēdonē?  Yes that is more economical, a four cylinder car. I only fill up mine once a week and that's enough, you know. 
86  Ähe, mɑ̈shēne kōshêyɑ̈r rɑ̈ bekhɑrɑm, Kɑ̈prē dɑ̈re 74…  Uhu. I want to buy Koshiar's car. He has a 1974 Capri. 
87  Cheghɑdr ghēmɑteshe?  How much is the price? 
88  Mēgge 1200 dôlɑrǃ  He says 1200 Dollars. 
89  Khōb, khobe ali, ɑggɑr mekhɑreje bɑedēye zēyɑd bɑrɑ̈t nɑdɑ̈shte bɑ̈she mēɑrzeǃ  Well it is good Ali, if it is not going to cost you a lot later it is worth it. 
90  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
91  Bekhɑr, mɑshēne khôdɑtô befrōsh vɑ ōnô bekhɑr dēgge.  Buy it. Sell your car and buy that one. 
92  Fekr konɑm dēvēst, sēsɑd dôlɑr hɑm khɑrj dɑshte bɑ̈she vɑlē khob bɑz hɑm hezɑ̈rô sēsɑd dôlɑ̈r tɑmōm beshe bɑz hɑm khobe.  I think it will need another two to three hundred dollars, but still, even if it costs me one thousand three hundred, it is good. 
93  Bɑ̈z hɑm benɑfeteǃ  It is still to your benefit. 
94  Benzēnɑshǃ Aeghɑlɑn benzēn kɑm mɑsrɑf mēkone vɑ ēnɑ̈, behtɑre, eghtesɑ̈dētɑre.  The gas. At least it uses little gas, it is better, it is more economical. 
95  Khob Ali WEEKEND chekɑ̈r mēkonē?  Well, Ali, what are you doing this weekend? 
96  Ēn weekend gharɑ̈re berēm donbɑ̈le ɑ̈pɑrtemɑ̈n beggɑrdēm.  This weekend we are supposed to go looking for an apartment. 
97  Yekē ɑz shɑhbhɑ̈yɑsh ɑggɑr bēkɑ̈r bōdē…  If you are free one of the nights… 
98  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
99  Mētōnēm bɑ̈ hɑm yek konsert jɑ̈z berēm ēnjɑ̈hɑ̈.  We can go to a jazz concert around here. 
100  Kojɑ̈? Jɑ̈ye khōb bɑlɑdē?  Where? Do you know a good place? 
101  Mɑn chɑnd jɑ̈ bɑlɑdɑm tōye ēn bējhɑ̈ye jōnōbē, mɑsɑlɑn Los Angeles jɑ̈hɑ̈ye mokhtɑlɑfē hɑst; mɑsɑlɑn yek jɑ̈ hɑst esmɑsh Lɑ̈ytɑ̈s, fɑrz kon.  I know a few places at the beaches. For instance in Los angeles there is a place called Laytas. 
102  Ähɑ, Lɑ̈ytɑs shenēdɑmǃ  Uhu, Laytas, I have heard of it. 
103  Môhēte khôbe dɑ̈re, mēdōnē, yek vōrōdē mēdēm vɑ mēshēnēm vɑ ɑ̈hɑngge khōbē mēzɑnɑnd vɑ mōshēghē jɑze ɑ̈rōmē hɑst vɑ yɑ̈ yekē dēgge hɑstesh nɑzdēkēhɑ̈ye khōne khodemōn tōye PICO, khēyɑ̈bɑ̈ne Pico.  It has a good atmosphere, you know, we'll pay at the entrance and we'll sit down and listen to nice music. It is a slow jazz music, there is another one close to our place on Pico street. 
104  Esmɑsh chē hɑst?  What is it called? 
105  Än esmɑsh hɑst snookēz.  That one is called Snookie's. 
106  Snookēz, ɑ̈hɑ̈.  Snookie's, uhu. 
107  Änɑm jɑye khōbēye.  That's a good place too. 
108  Ggōrōhɑ̈ye khob mēɑ̈yɑnd ɑ̈njɑ̈?  Good groups come over there? 
109  Äre dēgge, mɑsɑlɑn ggōrōhɑ̈ye se, chehɑ̈r nɑfɑrē ēnɑ mēɑ̈yɑnd vɑ hɑm mōsēghye jɑz, kholɑse mēdōnē?  Yes for instance a group of three to four people come over there and they all play jazz, anyway, you know… 
110  Ähɑ̈.  Uhu. 
111  Ädɑmhɑ̈ē hɑm ke mērɑvɑnd, ɑ̈damhɑ̈ēyɑnd ke mōsēghēye jɑ̈z dōst dɑ̈rɑnd vɑ mōhētɑsh hɑm khôbe vɑ ɑ̈rōmo ēnɑ, hɑ̈lɑ̈ yek dɑfɑe bɑ̈yɑd bɑ hɑm berēm.  The people who come there are the ones who like jazz music and the atmosphere is nice and quiet. Well, we'll go together once. 
112  Ähɑ̈…  Uhu. 
113  Yek kōdōm ɑz ēnhɑ̈ rɑ̈ berēm.  We should go to one of these. 
114  Khobe, ɑ̈re berēm ēn weekend rɑ̈…chēze…shɑnbe mɑn vɑ Berenko mēkhɑ̈hēm rōzɑsh ɑlbɑte dônbɑle ɑ̈pɑ̈rtemɑ̈n beggɑrdēm, tōye Santa Monica, ɑ̈jɑ̈hɑ̈ mēggɑn ɑrzontɑr hɑst, chōn ɑlɑ̈n khylē ejɑ̈re zēyɑ̈d dɑ̈rēm mēdēm, sheshsɑdô shɑst dôlɑ̈r ejɑ̈remōn hɑst.  Well, yes let's go this weekend. On Saturday me and Berenka want to look for an apartment during the day at Santa Monica. They say it is cheaper over there, because we are paying too much rent right now. Six hundred sixty Dollars is the rent. 
115  Khylē zēyɑ̈deǃ  It is a lot. 
116  Mēkhɑ̈hēm yek bedrōm beggērēm ke ɑghɑlɑn mɑsɑlɑn beyne sēsɑd tɑ chehɑ̈r sɑd dôlɑ̈r bedēm, zēyɑ̈d nɑdēm, nemētōnēmǃ  We want to get a one bedroom apartment so at least it will be between three to four hundred Dollars. We don't want to pay a lot. We can't. 
117  Fekre khōbēye ēn kɑ̈r rɑ̈ bekon.  If it a good idea. Do it. 
118  Äre, vɑlē mɑ̈ shɑbɑsh bɑrnɑ̈meɑē nɑdɑ̈rēm, ɑggɑr tô hɑm bɑrnɑ̈meɑē nɑdɑ̈rē berēm.  Yes, but for the evening we have no plans. If you don't have any plans either let's go. 
119  Äre, bɑ̈ hɑm mētōnēm ēn kɑ̈r rɑ̈ bekônēm.  Yes we can do this together. 
120  Äre.  Yes. 
121  Ali, tɑmrēne pēyɑ̈not bekôjɑ̈ rɑsēd?  Ali, how is your piano practicing going? 
122  Kheylē slowe bekhɑ̈tere ēnke mɑn vɑght nɑdɑ̈rɑm vɑ rōzhɑ̈ kɑ̈r zēyɑ̈d mēkonɑm shɑb ke mēɑ̈yɑm khōne vɑgheɑn khɑsteɑm fɑghɑt weekendhɑ̈ vɑ tɑetēylɑ̈te hɑfte yek meghdɑ̈rē tɑmrēn mēkonɑm vɑ ēnɑ̈.  It is very slow because I don't have time and I work a lot during the day, when I come home at night I am so tired so only on the weekends and on holidays I practice a little. 
123  Hɑ̈lɑ̈ yek kɑmē bēshtɑr tɑmrēn kon, heyfe, bɑed mētōnē bɑ̈ hɑm, dēgge bɑ̈ ggētɑr vɑ pēɑ̈no…  Now try to practice a little more it is a shame. Then we can play together on guitar and piano. 
124  Afshēn khɑn bɑ̈yɑd bēɑē komɑk konē dēggeǃ  Well Ashfin you should come and help me. 
125  Ali ɑ̈ggɑ̈ mɑ̈ le hɑ̈zerēm keǃ  Ali I am ready. 
126  Äreǃ  Yes. 
127  Tô khodɑt tɑn nemēdē be tɑmrēn kɑrdɑn.  You, yourself are not willing to practice. 
128  Äkhe nemēdōnɑm pɑnjehɑ̈ye mɑn hɑmche zēyɑ̈d, ɑnggoshtɑ̈ye mɑn nɑrm nēstɑnd.  I don't know, but my fingers aren't very flexible. 
129  Anggoshtɑt kheylē khōbe, khôb nɑrm mēshɑvɑnd dēgge, Aliǃ  Your fingers are very good. They'll become more flexible ali. 
130  Ähɑ̈.  Uhu. 
131  Bɑ̈yɑd kɑm, kɑm rōsh kɑ̈r kônē vɑ hɑ̈lɑ̈ ggɑ̈hē hôm mētōnē mɑsɑlɑn ɑz Robin Komack beggērē, che eɑyb bɑ̈re behesh beggo tɑmrēn ɑnggosht behet bedeǃ  You have to work on it little by little and for instance get some help from Robin, tell him to give you some practice for the flexibility of your fingers. 
132  Ähɑ̈.  Uhu. 
133  Nɑ ēnke ɑ̈hɑngg bezɑne vɑlē tɑmrēn ɑnggosht, ke be eɑstelɑh ɑnggost ggērēye sɑhēh dɑshte bɑshē rōye pēyɑnô, bɑed do tɑ̈ dɑstɑt rɑ̈ rōye hɑm montɑbegh konē, ɑnggosthɑ̈ye dô tɑ̈ dɑstɑ, hɑr mogheɑ khone hɑstē, bekɑ̈r hɑstē yek kɑmē ēn kɑ̈r rɑ̈ bokôn.   Not to play a song but practice so you'll have a correct position of fingers on the piano. Then you can work with both hands when you are home and free to do it.