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Entry  Phonetic Transcription  Phonemic Transcription  Literal Translation Free Translation 
1  jɑs ˈpʰomnəm kʰo ˈbɛf pʰot̪ːɑ ˈtʰursko ˈvɔd̪ɛnie˔ ʔi ˈtʰurtsitʰe bɛ˔ ˈmnogu ˈboɣɑtʰiː ˈloɕi jas pomnam ko bef pot datursko vodenija i turcite be mnogu bogati i loši  I remember when I was under Turkish rulers and Turks were very rich and mean,  I remember when I was under Turkish rulers that the Turks were very rich and mean, 
2  ʔi ˈtʰie ˈsɛ˔kʰo ˈvet̪ɕɹ̣ se ˈɕɛtʰɑjɑ nɑ ˈkxojni nis xrɩɕˈjɑnskitʰe ˈmɑlɑ ʔi ˈglɛðə˔jɑ d̪ə ˈviðə kɑj ˈʔimɑ ˈʔobəj ˈt̪ɕupʰinə i tije seko večer sešetaja nakojni nisxrišjanskite mala i gledaja davida kaj ima obaj čupina  and they every night themselves rode on horses through Christian streets and looked to see where they have beautiful girls.  and every night they would ride horses through the streets of the Christians to find out where the beautiful girls lived. 
3  ʔi kxɑj ɕo˔ kxe ˈviðɛ ˈpʰoslɛ ˈsɛɹkʰojə ˈvet̪ɕɛɹ̣ kxe ˈɕɛt̪ɑ ˈbeɣo d̪ɑɛ ˈviði i kaj šo kevide posle serkoja večer kešeta bego dajevidi  And where what he is going to see later every night is going to ride rich man to her see.  And wherever one of the Turks might see one, he would begin riding be every night to see her. 
4  ʔi ˈpʰosleⁱ ˈnɛkʰo kxo ˈdɛ˔nɑ kxeɛ ˈoði kxoj kxe se ˈstemni ʔi kxe ˈpʰotropɑ nɑ ˈvrɑtətə ʔi kxe ˈvlɛzi vo ˈkʰuicçɑtʰəʔi kʰeɛˈpʰosɑkʰɑ ˈt̪ʰɕupʰɛtʰo d̪ɑ go ˈzɛmi i posle neko ko dena kejeodi ko kesestemni i kepotropa navratata i kevlezi vokuikata i kejeposaka čupeto dagozemi  And after a few when days he will go when will get dark and going to knock on door and going to enter in house and going to ask child to take.  Then after a few days he would go after dark and then knock on the door, enter the house, and ask to take her away with him. 
5  ʔɑkʰo se ˈpʰrotʰivətʰ ðɑneⁱ ˈd̪ɑvɑtʰ ako seprotivat dane davat  If they protest to not give,  If the parents protested, 
6  ˈtʰogəj kʰe˔ɣiˈʔubiɑ ɽod̪iˈtʰɛlit̪ʰe ʔi kʰee˔ ˈzɛmi ˈt̪ɕupətʰɑ togai kegiubia roditelite i kejezemi čupeta  then he is going to kill parents and going to take girl  then he would kill the parents and take the girl anyway. 
7  nɛˈzinət̪ə fəˈmiliə ˈʔimɑ ˈpʰrao d̪ɑ go ˈsud̪i ˈbeɣo nezinata familija ima pravo dagosudi bego  Her family has right to him sue rich man.  Her family has the right to sue the rich man. 
8  kxo kxeɔðɑ vo ˈsud̪o ˈtʰie˔ kʰe˔ ˈd̪ɔnɛsə ˈd̪rugɑ ˈtʰurkʰiɲɑ ko kejoda vosudo tije kejedonesa druga čupa turkina  When they are going to sue (him), they are going to bring different girl turkish,  but if they try to sue him, his friends will bring a different girl (veiled) 
9  ʔi suˈd̪iətʰ kʰeɛ ˈpʰrɑɕɑ ˈsɑkʰəɕ d̪ɑ si ˈʔod̪ɩɕ so ˈt̪ʰvojt̪ʰɛ˔ roˈd̪it̪ʰeliˈʔili ˈsɑkɑɕ d̪ɑ ʔostənɩɕ kɑj ˈmɛne ʔi d̪ə ˈst̪ɑnɩɕ ˈtʰurkʰinə i sudijata kejepraša sakaš dasiodiš sotvojte roditeli ili sakaš daostaniš kajmene i dastaniš turkina  and judge is going to askː "do you want back to go with your parents, or do you want to stay with me and to become Turkish?̈"  and the judge will ask her, "Do you want to go back with your parents, or do you want to stay with me and become Turkish?" 
10  ʔi ˈt̪ʰɑjɑ kʰeⁱ ˈɾɛt̪ɕi ˈsɑkʰəm d̪ə ˈst̪ɑnəm ˈtʰurkʰinɑ i taja kejreči sakam dastanam turkina  And she is going to reply, "I want to become Turkish."  Then she will reply, "I want to become Turkish." 
11  ʔi ˈtʰogəj nɛˈzinitʰeⁱ roˈditʰeli kʰe si ˈoðɑ i togaj nezinite roditeli kesioda  And then her parents are going back to go.  After that her parents will go back home. 
12  ʔɑˈkʰo pʰrɑ ˈkʰɑvgə ne˔ ˈsɑkʰɑ dɑɛ ˈost̪ɑ ˈtʰogɑj so˔ˈd̪iətʰə kʰe zɑ ˈpʰovɛðɑ d̪ɑ ɣi ˈʔubiɑ ˈsitʰe ako pra kavga ne saka dajeosta togaj sudijata kezapoveda dagijubia site  If they make fuss not want to leave, then judge is going to order to them kill all.  Because if they make trouble about leaving the girl, the judge will then order all of them to be killed.