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(The unicode entry tool was developed by the Linguist List. To obtain it for use in other web pages click here)

Entry Transcription English
1  tʉmabi soaitʉ ʉnʉǃ  You're no goodǃ (curse) 
2  pihna paa  Coke, 7-Up, etc. 
3  nʉ muraiǃ  Kiss meǃ 
4  naiʔbi  pretty (of a woman) 
5  tuibitsi  handsome (of a man) 
6  tʉmakupa  tiger 
7  pʉhʉ kukweya  lion 
8  oha sarii?  Is that a dog? 
9  iha tʉboo?  Is this a pencil? 
10  ʉnha teekwăhutuʔi  Will you talk? 
11  teekwaruʔi ʉnʉ  You're gonna talk. 
12  keenʉ u supanaʔitʉ  I don't know. 
13  hina ʉnʉ haniiyu  What are you doing? 
14  hina surha haniiyu  What is he doing? 
15  hina urʉ waʔipʉ haniiyu  What is the woman doing? 
16  hina ʉnʉ nikwai  What do you want? 
17  hina ʉnʉ  What do you want? 
18  hina ʉnʉ yaaka?  What do you have in your hand? 
19  isa hakarʉ̆  Who is it? (on phone) 
20  haaka ʉnʉ punin  Who(m) did you see? 
21  haaka ʉnʉ punika?  Who are you looking at? 
22  ʉnha haaka punika?  Who are you looking at? 
23  hakăse naiʔbi  Where is Naibi? 
24  inakwʉ̆ u  She's over here. 
25  onakwʉ̆ u  She's over there. 
26  kahni kuupatʉ u  She's in the house. 
27  hipe ʉnʉ miayu  When will you go? 
28  miitsi  in a while/soon 
29  pʉetsʉku  tomorrow 
30  hipe ʉnʉ pitʉn  When did you arrive? 
31  hakai ʉnʉ nʉʉsuka  How do you feel? 
32  ʉnha hakai nʉʉsuka  How do you feel? 
33  itʉtsa u puni  He/she (this person) sees it. 
34  itʉkwʉ̆tsa u puni  They (dual, these people) see it. 
35  itʉʉtsa u puni  They (pl., these people) see it. 
36  orʉtsa u puni  He/she (that person) sees it. 
37  orʉkwʉ̆tsa u puni  They (dual, those people) see it. 
38  orʉʉtsa u puni  They (pl., those people) see it. 
39  u puni ma  He/she (anyone here) sees it. 
40  u puni marʉkwʉ̆  They (dual, any here) see it. 
41  u puni marʉʉ  They (pl., any here) see it. 
42  nʉ tʉbiini  Ask me a questionǃ 
43  ma ruawekʉ̆  Tell him/herǃ