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(The unicode entry tool was developed by the Linguist List. To obtain it for use in other web pages click here)

Entry Sound IllustratedOrthographyEnglish 
1  ss issi'  deer 
2  oo loolo'  doodlebug 
3  oo hachi̱loolo'  y'all's doodlebug 
4  m hatiimimi'  type of insect (or its sound) 
5  mb halaambo  type of lizard 
6  mb Ibaata̱abi'  (Chickasaw man's name) 
7  mb shámba  he goes blind 
8  tt itti'  tree 
9  ʃ chisha'  postoak tree 
10  h bihi'  mulberry 
11  bb koshibba'  poke salad 
12  j tiyak  pine 
13  n hina'  road 
14  ttʃʃ pichcha̱ha  barn 
15  ʃʃ alhpi'shi'  pillow 
16  jj iyyi'  foot 
17  t itiha', itiya'  mouth 
18    itihalbi', itialbi'  lips 
19  ttʃʃ ibichchala'  nose 
20  ʃʃ ibishshano  he has a cold, he has a runny nose 
21  mb hasimbish  tail 
22  ĩi i̱i  yes 
23  k+l toklo  two 
24  mb omba  it's raining 
25  mp impa  he's eating 
26  mp chompa  he buys it 
27    abika  he is sick 
28    asabika, asabiika  I am sick 
29    abikachilitok  I made him sick 
30    achibikashlitok  I made you sick 
31    issabiikachi  you are making me sick 
32    imambiika  he got sick for/over her 
33  f asachifa  he washes me 
34    ilachifa  we wash him 
35  f alhchifa  it is washed 
36  f ilachifa, ilachiifa  he washes himself 
37    aachi  he says it 
38    aashlitok  I said it 
39    ahánchi  he says it and says it (hngr.) 
40  b ittibi  they fight 
41    abitaam?  did he kill it? 
42    issabitok  you killed me 
43    chibilitok  I killed you 
44  a alali  I'm here, I've arrived 
45  a ishtalali  I bring it here 
46  k+l iklo  he doesn't arrive 
47  k chiiki  early 
48  b alhchiba  it's late (it's a long time to wait for him) 
49  t asitili  he ties it to it 
50  jj iliyya  we go 
51  t ayiimita  he's happy and excited (about a coming event) 
52  l bila  it melts 
53  bishlichi  he milks it 
54  ʃ bishalhchi  it's milked; it's squeezed out 
55  h+l bohli  he lays it down 
56  h+l kahli  he lays them (2) down 
57    chaaha  he is tall 
58    sachaaha  I'm tall 
59    chakissa  it's sticky 
60    sachakissa  I'm sticky 
61  bb chikilbi  it's all piled up; it's dome-shaped 
62    chiko'li  she pulls her hair 
63    sachiko'li  she pulls my hair 
64    chofata  it's clean 
65    sachofata  I'm clean 
66  jj chóyyo'kma  it's really good (ygr.) 
67    choko'shkomo  he plays 
68    sachoko'shkomochi  he makes me play 
69  n halbina  it is given away 
70  k+l haklo  listen! 
71  o hakloli  I listen to it 
72  o chihakloli  I listen to you 
73    sahashaa  I'm angry 
74  k hika  stand up! 
75  kk híkki'ya  he's standing up 
76  ɬ hilha  he dances 
77  m sahimitta  I'm young, I'm new 
78  o hololi  I put on (shoes) 
79  o i̱hololi  I put on (shoes) for him 
80  o pohopoo  he's jealous of us 
81  mp hotampi  she strings (beads) 
82  ll illi  he dies 
83  m ima  he gives it 
84  nn lowak inni  he warms himself by the fire 
85  ʃ ishi  he gets it, he takes it 
86  ss impat issa  he finishes eating 
87  ɬɬ kilhlhi  he gnaws it 
88  s kisili  he bites it 
89  s chikisili  he bites you 
90    kisli  he bites it more than once (like a dog) 
91    chikisli  he bites you more than once 
92    kohónta  he whistles and whistles (hngr.) 
93    kooli  he breaks (e.g. a dish) 
94    koolitaam?  did he break it? 
95    kohó̱li  he keeps breaking it (hngr.) 
96  n kostini  he sobers up 
97    lapaachi  he sticks it on 
98    lapalihínchi  he sticks it on and sticks it on (hngr.) 
99    lapaashli  I stick it on 
100  f lhifi'li  he drags himself around 
101  p lhipa  it's worn out, ragged 
102  i liili  he hoes 
103  i hachi̱liili  he hoes for you all 
104  i malili  he runs 
105  i ishmalili  you run 
106  i ikmali'lo  he's not running 
107  i málli'li  (form of malili — ggr.) 
108  i ishmálli'li  (form of "you run" — ggr.) 
109  i malí̱li  (form of malili — ngr.) 
110  i ishmalí̱li  (form of "you run" — ngr.) 
111  ʔ ofi'at malli  the dog is jumping 
112  mallicha woochi  he jumps and barks 
113  h niha  it's greasy 
114  o okmiloli  he's bug-eyed 
115  o okmíllo'li  he's sort of bug-eyed (ggr.) 
116  o okmiló̱li  he's more bug-eyed (ngr.) 
117  tt okshitta  he closes it 
118  a ollali  he laughs 
119  a ishollali  you laugh 
120  ff pichiffi  he crushes it, splats it 
121  h+l pihli  he sweeps 
122  i pihlili  I sweep it 
123  i impihlili  I sweep it for him 
124  s pisa  look! 
125  p ilipisa  he's looking at himself 
126  p chipisa  he's looking at you 
127    chipisli  I'm looking at you 
128  a shala'li  he slid 
129    shalaali, shalahli  he slides 
130    ishshalali, ishshalalli  you slide 
131  kk shikkilili  it's cone-shaped 
132  ll shitli  he combs it 
133  pp shippa  it dries up (has the water go down in it) 
134  aa shokmalali  it's shiny 
135  pp abiitippichi  press down on 
136  j sinksiya  he whines (of a dog) 
137    sataha  I'm worn out 
138    taha  he's worn out 
139  a talaali  he sets it upright 
140  a ishtalaali  you set it upright 
141  a ontálla'li  (someone) has set it upright on it 
142  a talá̱li  he leaves (a cup) behind (ngr.) 
143  a ishtalá̱li  you leave (a cup) behind (ngr.) 
144  f ti̱fi  he plucks it, pulls it out by the roots 
145  w tiwa  it opens 
146  ww tiwwi  he opens it 
147  i toksalili  I work 
148  ʔ wáyya'a  it is located there [w] 
149  o wilooli  he shakes (a rug) 
150  o ishwilooli  you shake (a rug) 
151  o ikwilo'lo  he didn't shake it 
152  w iliwilooli  he shakes himself 
153  ɬ yilhibli  he demolishes it 
154  mm yimmi  he believes it 
155  j chiyimmi  you believe it