Use the form below to create Unicode IPA characters that you can enter into your browser's search field. (Pop-ups must be enabled.)

   Enter a standard character and Right-Click (Macintosh Ctrl + Click) for similar IPA characters.

   Double-click for an interactive IPA chart.

Copy the results of your search, and paste them (Ctrl + V) into your browser's search box (Edit > Find) to search for that symbol.
(You may need to click outside of the form before using Find to locate the sound.)

(The unicode entry tool was developed by the Linguist List. To obtain it for use in other web pages click here)

EntryTranscription Alt. Transcription Gloss 
1 akʼə  one 
2 ɥəba  two 
3 χpʰa  three 
4 pɕba  four 
5 χʷba  five 
6 fba  six 
7 bʑba  seven 
8 aaba  eight 
9 ʑʷba  nine 
10 ʑʷaba  ten 
11 ʑʷajza ɥ̣eˑza eleven 
12 ʑʷajɥa ɥ̣eɥa twelve 
13 ʑʷaχa  thirteen 
14 ʑʷəjb  fourteen 
15 ʑʷaχʷ  fifteen 
16 ʑʷaχ  sixteen 
17 ʑʷəbʑ̩  seventeen 
18 ʑʷaa  eighteen 
19 zajʑʷ zeɥ̣ nineteen 
20 ɥaʑʷa  twenty